(howto:apply-a-wikipedia-like-talk-button ) howto:apply-a-wikipedia-like-talk-button <=== (back to main article of this TALK page) ==!
-- Click here to alter this text --
This is the "talk" page that discusses the howto make a talk page.
Wikidot gives you the opportunity to create a talk page, but it is not used much here in the community. There are some benfits like if you would like to print a page, there is no option to NOT-print the comments that are made on some pages… So if those comments were made on a talk page… The original page could be printed without the comments….
However times are changing and maybe it's a good idea not to print that page in the first place, e-mail it to the person you want to show it to, or read it from the screen.
This is just some text, to show what a talk-page can be like. If you think you can add to the content of this page click to button "— Click here to alter the text —" above this text. Try it, it is easy.
Please - have a look on the main article , thes talk:_template and let me know your oppinion!
Is the little link retour to the main page artcile at the top enough?
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Well Helmuti, if I were a wikidot-dummy, I would not know how to do this so I would suggest to also create an edit button on your template that say's "add to or edit this text". Otherwise the text will probably never be made on the talk page and it would become a comments page, like now.
A - S I M P L E - P L A N by ARTiZEN a startingpoint for simple wikidot solutions.
yes, i changed the default text to feel free… "after SAVE" any comment is possible….
Hope this is enough?
Or should we explain it a little bit more in the default text?
In reality our discuss - comment possibility is better than teh talk - finctin on wikidot - but the change of the talk:page is possible now here.
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Thanks Steven, this makes sense… !
Service is my success. My webtips:www.blender.org (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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