Tell your story of success
Your talent is rather verbal than artistic? Then why not share your story with the world how Wikidot helped you? Submit your stories here!
Every registered member of can create & edit an article over his success with wikidot here in the category "stories". Not (yet) allowed are upload of files, this can be overloading our limits.
- use the box to create a new page in the "stories" category.
- Feel free to build your a story in a layout how you want.
- Feel free to use tags as you want.
- The discuss button is allowed and open to use !
- Feel free to insert comments module ( it is enabled for the category).
Notice the difference to
- the blog which are used for messages belonging to wikidot system itself or new inventions of the community.
- the Featured sites which are created and rated from the community of the visitors.
List of existing success stories:
by Astrogeek 26 Apr 2010 23:50
As an amateur astronomer, I am very interested in sharing my passion with others, especially school-aged children. I began giving astronomy presentations in classrooms in 2007. As soon as I began doing that, I also began hearing questions about the supposed "end of the world", which was claimed would occur in 2012.
I began researching these claims in order to answer the questions intelligently, and stumbled upon an entire sub-culture of doomsday beliefs. Fictional doomsday planets, ancient prophecies that never happened, and claims of alien visitations and plots to subject the planet to a "New World Order" were all tied to these claims.
I began writing rebuttals to these claims on my personal blog, but soon found the article overwhelmingly long. I looked around for a better place to host the information, and found Not only could I break up my article into several smaller articles, but I could collaborate with others to improve and expand the website well beyond what I could do on my own. is now called "one of the best sources of information" regarding the 2012 doomsday nonsense, thanks in large part to the tools provided by
Thank you
by fingerz 25 Mar 2010 00:33
I'm just thankfull of being part of such a huge friendly community. I thank all of you, especially leiger, for introducing me to this group of websites. If only all the sites on the net were like this one. Thanks
ConceptSpace Ruby on Rails
by Umur 05 Jun 2009 09:56
My wish was to broadcast my Ruby on Rails experience to make life easier for others. Because of the utility of the site, I am even offered a free flight and a steak lunch in Dallas; a solid good feedback! The tutorial there was appreciated by many people.
How i became successfull
by Innovative 30 Nov 2008 11:05
I owe my thianks to Thank you very much.You have made me a web publisher a web master of 20+ sites all fully loaded with Google Ads.With patience and dedication now i have collected 85+ dollars in my a/c. Soon pay out will reach 100USD.Let me tell the world that i am computer illetrate. Do not know much about computers and different techniques.. But the codes,snippets and syntaxes provided by are very simple and impressive.With the passage of time i have created few attractive webs…Thank you wikidot.. hats off to you.My all the webs can be seen here…. but i think the best 1 are which is infact a tribute to and Adsense program. Thank you again…
Marki h Meer
web publisher
Result: The key to succes is create as many sites as you can manage easily… and this is only possiable with
Arcana Wiki creator Interviewed in Pop Thought column
by jhubert 17 Sep 2008 15:28
Jürgen Hubert, the creator and main admin of the Arcana Wiki, was interviewed in the Live And Let Dice gaming column of Pop Thought about his latest wiki project and what he plans for its future.
Arcana Wiki Wins Illuminated Site Of The Week Award
by jhubert 17 Sep 2008 15:23
The Arcana Wiki, a Wikidot.Com project which strives to distill real world information for gaming and storytelling ideas, has won the Illuminated Site of the Week award.
The Award is given out by Steve Jackson Games to websites which are "interesting, weird, or otherwise Illuminated".
Here are the starting comments of my chages to the new category "stories":
Tell your story of success
Your talent is rather verbal than artistic? Then why not share your story with the world how Wikidot helped you? Submit your stories here!
Every registered member of can create & edit an article over his success with wikidot here in the category "stories". Not (yet) allowed are upload of files, this can be overloading our limits.
Notice the difference to the blog which are used for messages belonging to wikidot system itself or new inventions of the community.
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
Sie können fragen und mitwirken in der deutschsprachigen » User-Gemeinschaft für WikidotNutzer oder
im deutschen » Wikidot Handbuch ?
Looks good. I modeled the promo banner submission page off of this. People have to upload images on their own wikis or on an image upload site (the page contains suggested sites), and put the image url in, and then they can display them, rate them, and comment on them.
Thanks for the banners! David. Good idea!
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
Sie können fragen und mitwirken in der deutschsprachigen » User-Gemeinschaft für WikidotNutzer oder
im deutschen » Wikidot Handbuch ?
Happy to see that my start-xxx made new babies ! :-)
Thanks for the banners David. I agree with Helmuti it's such a good idea. I've been using a few of them!
Have a look at guestbook-now-uses-listpages-and-template.
Any volunteer to transform the stories: in the same way ?
Done! :)
Open is the questin - how much should we show from the content of a "single stories" in the overview?
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
Sie können fragen und mitwirken in der deutschsprachigen » User-Gemeinschaft für WikidotNutzer oder
im deutschen » Wikidot Handbuch ?