SJA in the newspaper

SJA in the newspaper

By BrunhildaBrunhilda on 20 Sep 2011 13:51, last edit by leigerleiger on 29 Jul 2012 23:59



Back in May 2010, the same journal published a short review on my first site, Istorijska Biblioteka. They said that it is "perhaps the best encyclopedia of history that can be found on the Serbian web".

Now more than a year later, Svet kompjutera, one of the oldest and the most respected journals for computer and Internet technologies in Serbia, published another short review of my other site, SRPSKI JEZIČKI ATELJE (SJA), the Wikidot site dedicated to Serbian linguistics — ortography, grammar doubts.

The original text and the translation of it follows:

Ne postoji mnogo internet lokacija na kojima se može pronaći rešenje za jezičku nedoumicu. Da ne pominjemo samo broj adresa na kojima je upotreba srpskog jezika do te mere nepravilna da prevazilazi granice smešnog. Predstavljamo vam sajt koji je posvećen srpskom jeziku, a gde se, pored rečnika jezičkih nedoumica, mogu pronaći i gramatika i pravopis. Još je u fazi razvoja, te je pretraga moguća isključivo na ćirilici, a mnogi članci tek treba da budu objavljeni. Svakako, reč je o korisnoj adresi, spakovanoj u moderan dizajn.


There are not too many web sites that offer a solution for a linguistic doubt, not mentioning the huge number of web sites using such bad Serbian that it becomes ridiculous. We present you the site dedicated to Serbian language which offers grammar and orthographic rules, as well as a dictionary of linguistic doubts. It is still in a development phase, and therefore the Search is only possible in Cyrillic alphabet, and many of the articles are still to be published, but for sure it is a very useful web site, nicely wrapped in a modern design.

And here is the video of their review, in Serbian:


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