5 April 2011 - Istorijska Biblioteka in the press (again)

5 April 2011 - Istorijska Biblioteka in the press (again)

By RobElliottRobElliott on 05 Apr 2011 11:20, last edit by RobElliottRobElliott on 06 Apr 2011 17:51

BrunhildaBrunhilda has let us know that Istorijska Biblioteka has been interviewed about e-publishing for one of the most important radio and TV stations in Serbia, B92. The interview was published on Friday 1 April and is translated into English below:

History on-line

B92: Although Istorijska biblioteka is not literally an e-book, this site is a good example of how an online History Encyclopedia should be. Yes, the internet has its own "peculiarities" when it comes to contents that treat the facts: it is, as you've probably already guessed — unreliability. One of Istorijska biblioteka founders, Urosh Milivojevich, says this was the main reason of creation of this site.

ISBI: Istorijska biblioteka was found three years ago. We realized it would be a good idea to amplify the contents of te internet in the Serbian language with texts on history subjects based on expert literature and references. In this way, we hoped to neutralize the influence of the sites with pseudo-historical contents, which, unfortunately, the Serbian internet is full of. At the beginning, we didn't have any clear idea on the organization and design of the site, but about one thing, we were positively a 100% sure: every text, whatever style or content is has, has to contain references written by history experts recognized in both Serbian and world scientific circles (one of the sites that served us as a reference in creating ours was Roman Emperors). We know that history students visit us and use it as information source and we are glad because of it.

B92: This kind of history site doesn't look like a history textbook at all. We can find there texts, such as Clothing of Serbs during the Habsburg monarchy, anecdotes like Marko Kraljevic ina love triangle, and interesing short texts on History of Art subjects (Van Gogh's Sunflowers). Who are their readers?

ISBI: Our readers come from different walks of life: they are professional historians, but also people who are not extreme lovers of history, but only people who like to read something new and interesting. That is why we also have short stories and anecdotes which everyone finds interesting: both true history lovers and those who just like to read something interesiting in the morning while drinking their first morning coffee, or in the afternoon, while taking a break after lunch and navegating Internet as a newspaper used to be read. Short texts attract a lot of attention because they are short in the first place, and then, also because they talk about interesting moments in history of people, events and phenomena.
Is it more attractive?

B92: An e-book cannot offer the joy of holding a new book, opened for the first time, and smelling the scent of its new pages. But, not even the classical book can offer the possiblity to click a picture and read a story about it 1. And there is more:

ISBI: Nowdays, it is immensly easier and faster to get the information. Virtual editions are more dynamic: the site contents are always on the move, they are not sealed once and for all, as happens with books, it grows constantly, and there is always something new to be seen or read. As we consider that the knowledge should be paid for, and that anyone should have access to it, our contents are free of charge, providing our licence is respected, says Urosh Milivojevich from Istorijska biblioteka.


1. Here, she refers to a picture in our side bar, to which you can click and you will be lead to the story related to it. Thanks, Wikidot for this. :)

Source: http://www.b92.net/kultura/moj_ugao.php?nav_category=559&yyyy=2011&mm=04&nav_id=503388

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