I tried copying the CSS code literally (same image), and also providing my own uploaded image. I cannot get the image to display.
Putting the image in the side bar works (I corrected the explanation to refer to nav:side).
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Posted by michal-frackowiak on 03 Sep 2006 19:11, last edited by Helmut_pdorf on 17 Mar 2016 08:33
Tags: clickable css customize design layout logo site
This howto describes how to include a logo within the CSS design for your Site.
At the moment there is no way to just upload an image so that it would be shown in the top header of the page layout. This place on your page however contains a clickable name of your Site which leads to your main welcome page.
You can display a logo in this place but you would have to create a custom CSS theme. Creating such themes is described in another howto: Design your own CSS theme.
So here we will only discuss how the CSS should be constructed to add a logo.
This is not complicated at all but you will need time to customize your theme. But there is a way around - you can include your logo in the side bar which is by default generated from the page nav:side.
http://tlug.wikidot.com/ is using this at the moment.
Just do the following:
[[=image nav:side/mylogo.png link="start"]]
At this point we assume you have created a new theme that extends one of the available ones. If you only want to add a logo to the design do not choose the Base theme because it is quite plain.
At the Wikidot.com main site the same technique is used to display a logo. So Let us see how this is done:
height: 130px;
#header h1 a span{
#header h2{
#header h1 a,#header h1 a:hover{
display: block;
margin: 0; padding:0;
background-image: url(http://test.wikidot.com/local--files/theme:test/logo-28.png);
height: 80px;
width: 283px;
position: absolute;
bottom: 10px; left: 50px;
If you do not want to investigate why, just copy this piece of code but change the following properties:
Don't forget to activate your new theme (Appearance/Themes once you've created it).
I have used the CSS method to place a logo on my site and I know there is a way to make the area over it become a link but I cannot seem to find out how. Any ideas?
Making the logo clickable is possible as you can see here. It requires adjusting the h1 a selector and adding opacity and a z-index in your custom CSS.
In this example the header contains the image as follows:
#header {
The h1 a selector and properties are then added as follows:
h1 a {
background: url(http://www.strathviewconsultants.co.uk/) no-repeat;
margin-left: -40px;
text-indent: -9000px;
opacity: 0;
filter:alpha(opacity=0); // for IE
display:block; - omitting this will make the link not work.
background: ur(http://….) no-repeat; - the link, normally to the start page.
height/margin/padding - make these the same as in the header.
margin-left: -40px; - you might need to adjust your margins as I did to make the clickable link in the right place.
text-indent: -9000px; - needed to push the header name of your site out of the way, otherwise it would show through.
opacity:0; - the opacity setting for firefox and safari. 0 means means it is completely transparent.
filter:alpha(opacity=0); - the opacity setting doesn't work in IE but the filter here has the same effect and makes it transparent in IE7 (not work with IE6 or under).
z-index:-100; - setting this to -100 this pushes the block behind the logo image but without affecting the link.
michal-frackowiak. Please visit his/her userPage.
RobElliott. Please visit his/her userPage.
I tried copying the CSS code literally (same image), and also providing my own uploaded image. I cannot get the image to display.
Putting the image in the side bar works (I corrected the explanation to refer to nav:side).
One has to activate the new theme, of course.
You have to copy the link of the site and than put that after [Image http…] Than you can see your image!
I tried using the first way stated because i am a beginner. and instead of getting a image i got the name of the file
here is what i wrote:
I wonder if you have the filename wrong?. try..Red Haven Logo 2.JPG? (thats what the file is called in filemanager)
PS. i found that file names didn't seem to like spaces, but i might be wrong.
I had the same problem as Red Haven (above) but when I removed the file extension it worked. My file was a jpg. No idea why this worked, but I employed the image wizard to show me the functional code.
In the header of my page I'd like to display the logo and on its right side the title. How do I combine these two (text and image) in the CSS? This is the code I have now:
I first had the logo in the header h1 but then, the title got written over the logo or, if intended, was written in three lines. With the logo in h2, the title is intended but the logo doesn't display. I tried different versions, but none of them worked..
Can anybody help please?
thanks for the advice!
it worked now with this code:
I had to set the position to keep the title staying and the image staying on its place.
I am using the Shinny template and trying to create a new theme to add our logo to the top banner. I have tried everything (including making the logo the exact same size as the example above) and still can't get it to display the logo in the top banner. Is my url correct? Can't figure out what I am doing wrong. Any advice?
using this link, i get "not found"
Could be it is only the url wrong?
Have a look: ( it is the attached image of the start page -
After the click on Files - Info I got the url:
Hope this helps ?
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Thank you for the suggestions. I have updated the url to the correct logo file, but it is still not displaying the logo in the header. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
1. Why png and not the jpg original ?
2. I can not confirm the syntax of the url - I am not a CSS guru…
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Other than the fact that i swipe bits from other sites, i have no idea what I am doing!! Its all trial and error
This one took a bit of doing, but by using the example that i used here
http://psc2.wikidot.com/logo:logo, i soon got something close to what i think you wanted
Ok, it worked on mine… while Im logged in. While I'm logged out nothing appears where the logo should be. Is its supposed to be that way or is there any way to make logged out or guests users see the logo?
There are discussions if this is a bug or not…
have a look on this forum thread about the sme theme:
It has to do:
- if your site is private or public ,
- if the image embedded as a logo is attached to a "public" page of a public site ( by "long" URL embedded)
- or is coming from other sources in "small" sizes ( than even the source is "private" than this is shown..
I would create a little "public" wiki ( niot open for update for others! ) with your png's or jpg's only to hold them as a storage for "always public" images.
Than I think you can embbed them in a "landing page" of a private site because of they are coming from an public one .
If you try this and this is not true - than message this as a bug to the forum!
Thanks and good luck!
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I did the beginner way, but when I was on the 'upload your file' part, I couldn't find the editing place. Is it the one where you edit posts and stuff? Also I don't understand the easy way, where do I put the code?
In the wiki syntax description you will find under
"attached files" http://www.wikidot.com/doc:wiki-syntax#toc45
following help:
The destination file must be first attached to the page — by clicking "files" and "upload file" from the options at the bottom of any page.
You need an "existing" page ( "nav:side" perhaps ?) where you can attach ( upload) a file.
Dont forget to give the name of the file a working extension like .jpg or .gif….
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Hello! I'm trying to put a logo on my wiki using the code above, but it won't work. I don't know why. I tried to avoid the mistakes other users that posted in this thread made. I'm using the Shiny template. Any suggestions on what went wrong or what needs to be changed would be great!
Maybe I uploaded the .jpg to the wrong site?
You've put the background image in the wrong place. Try adding it to the #header tag as follows:
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.
Thanks for the help, Rob, but it doesn't work the way I thought it would. The code displays the logo, but it repeats it all over the whole header! I just wanted a logo on the left top side. The whole CSS thing seems really complicated and I have no clue how to adjust it to my needs.
Turn off the repeating like so:
Community Admin
Thanks a lot! Now it works!
This is what I used to add a logo to left side of the name, not replacing the name. I use Shiny theme, so you might have to modify this to use it with other themes. First I uploaded bloodlust.png to start page. Then added this CSS to a custom theme extending Shiny theme.
Result: http://enhsim.wikidot.com
unfortunately this technique causes the logo to flicker when moused-over in IE6.
edit: i just learned this is easily fixed by using the same image as the background image of #header.