Hi all
Am new to wiki. Please help me make my wiki. I want use it to interact with my students. I am a teacher.
Thank you in advance
Posted by michal-frackowiak on 11 Aug 2006 18:13, last edited by RobElliott on 19 Nov 2010 15:15
This document is a "work-in-progress". If you want to contribute - feel free to do it!
This is a short guide how to make a successful Wiki Site and promote it.
Idea for the Site
Think on a subject you have expertise over, want to express, want to engage in conversation with and start your wiki with at least 5 pages of content prepared and ready to upload.
Appealing content
Advertising might get you a first time visitor, but the thing that will get these people coming back is content. Forums are an easy way to get visitors to create content that is often changing and will lead to people returning to your site time after time, even while the wiki content itself might not change so often.
Content should be engaging, and unfortunately, there are no shortcuts and guaranteed tips for interesting content.
Build a community and get people involved
Be friendly. Fostering a friendly and respectful atmosphere can help establish a strong community.
Encourage people to contribute to your site by showing notices of where they can help.
Promote your Site
Even the best site will need promotion to become popular. Here are a few popular and recommended ways:
Within Wikidot
Use site tags
Sites within Wikidot are categorized by tags which can be set using Site Manager under General Settings. If your Site already has some interesting content make sure you also choose tags that describe your Site best.
List of the most popular tags is available here.
Announce your Site
There is a special forum category at the community site just for this kind of announcements. Simply go to the Community Forums, jump to the New Wikidot Sites category and start a new discussion thread.
Outside Wikidot
Online web directories
Announcing on other websites and forums
If your site covers an interesting topic it is sometimes good to announce the site on existing Internet forums and websites. Remember always to comply to other website rules - sometimes such announcements might be considered as spamming which is not what you want.
Some forums allow you to have links in your signature attached to every post you submit. If you are involved in any such forum it might be a very good idea. The same applies to mailing lists. People will often visit your site if you are considered an "expert" in your field.
Generate a RSS feed
RSS feeds are becoming more and more popular nowadays. More and more people subscribe to feeds and even prefer it rather than visiting sites online. There are also many online news aggregators and feed directories out there where you can submit your news feed.
To generate a news feed from your Site use the FrontForum module.
Social networks
Social networks are a great place to promote your site. Consider adding a "Save to del.icio.us" button with
<a href="http://del.icio.us/post" onclick="window.open('http://del.icio.us/post?v=4&noui&jump=close&url='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title), 'delicious','toolbar=no,width=700,height=400'); return false;">bookmark to del.icio.us</a>
or similar code generated directly from del.icio.us
or this
[[social digg,furl,del.icio.us,facebook]]
Other tips
Hi all
Am new to wiki. Please help me make my wiki. I want use it to interact with my students. I am a teacher.
Thank you in advance
Okay — Welcome to Wikidot!
So are you going to be specialising in a particular subject?
Whatever you're doing, I think you should have the following for good interaction:
1) Activate the forums — A forum is a place for students and teachers to post up topics, whether it be to ask a question, post a solution, or create interactive challenges or discussions.
2) Post a "News" section on the home page — A news section is great for notifying students of the latest homework, the latest solutions, or anything else you may wish to have.
3) Include some basic information on the subject — If it is a math class, you may wish to create a page of information dedicated to the topic you are currently teaching.
A good example of a sites similar to what yours is Math 308: Matrix AlgebraSections.
Once you know what you want to put on your site, then we can actually start helping you out.
Thanks. But how do create the pages? Please show some steps then I will do it.
Thanks for your response. I like your ideas but I am having problems createing pages. How do I do it?
If I'm not mistaken, your site's homepage is at http://otinn.wikidot.com/start. You will see a box in the bottom left corner of that page called "Add a New Page". Type the name of the page you want in there and press the "New page" button. For example, suppose you wanted to create a page called molecules, just enter that, press the New page button and you will see a screen saying that the page does not exist yet. Click on the create page link underneath that text and your page is created and the page editor will open. Enter some content into the editor and press the Save button underneath it and that's it done: you've created a page and added some content.
To go back to that page later you can always enter the address in the browser in the format http://otinn.wikidot.com/molecules or you can add the page to the side bar. The page for the side bar is nav:side
Once you are comfortable with creating pages and editing content then you can go on to do more things like start a forum on your site where your students can work together on assignments etc.
Have a look at some documentation on creating and editing pages at http://handbook.wikidot.com/en:editing-for-beginners
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.
hi everyone i need help on how to add pictures i dont know how and i cant seem to figure it out please help me my wikisite is gamesforgamers.wikidot.com
See: http://www.wikidot.com/doc:wiki-syntax#toc23
I find it easiest to make a list of the images that I want to include on my page (the filenames). Make sure you don't have any spaces in your filenames or it can cause problems.
Create your page and insert the wiki syntax for each image where you want it displayed. For example:
The link above explains all of the different attributes and their options.
After you save your page, you'll need to upload your image(s) to the page by using the "files" link at the bottom.
After the upload is complete, refresh your page and you should see the image(s) on your page.
Community Admin
http://handbook.wikidot.com/en:editing-for-beginners could help…
Service is my success. My webtips:www.blender.org (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
Sie können fragen und mitwirken in der deutschsprachigen » User-Gemeinschaft für WikidotNutzer oder
im deutschen » Wikidot Handbuch ?
Maybe you want to put pictures without uploading them to your site. Then you should know the url of that picture. For example:
Then, in edit window, click to the button that says image wizard. There will be place to insert the url. You shall see that you can also determine the position of the image, and if you want it wraped with the text or not. After saving it, you'll get this:
In this module, you should introduce the size parameter. It is: width="100px". Like this:
And you should get this:
The size parameter can be modified according to how big you want the picture to be: width="150px" or width="200px", etc…
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
Good point. I always forget about the wizard since I rarely use the editor icons. My brain works better just typing the syntax in directly (once I learn it!). The insert image wizard can be very helpful for beginners, because it shows the proper syntax once you've inserted your image.
Community Admin
Yes, wikidot may be very difficult for beginners like me. I had a WP blog and it was way easier for certain things like inserting images, but thanks to you now I know that there is a wizard! Thanks Ed.
How about putting an embedded facebook pan page on wikidot?
It uses code like:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://static.ak.connect.facebook.com/js/api_lib/v0.4/FeatureLoader.js.php/en_US"></script><script type="text/javascript">FB.init("0ab0af8f7611ccd8ef5cf5c019f11624");</script><fb:fan profile_id="294600610434" stream="0" connections="10" logobar="1" width="300"></fb:fan><div style="font-size:8px; padding-left:10px"><a href="http://www.facebook.com/stopcenzurze">Stop Cenzurze w Internecie!</a> on Facebook</div>
but it cannot be embedded now…
Try this:
To see how it works in action, click HERE. Of course, this page shows my FB page, but in the above code there is your FB code, and it should work. Just copy and paste it in a page, andput the url of that page in the iframe where indicated.
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
Using this page I came up with this code, which should work:
In action:
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
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I want to promote my site but i dont use twitter because of Toxicity and cancel culture
The Arstotzkan Universe
The Alternate Universe of the hit video game Papers, Please