Override Inline Styles With CSS
Posted by Ed Johnson on 16 Feb 2010 05:38, last edited by RobElliott on 16 Feb 2011 10:04
Tags: css gallery image module styles
There are times when it would be nice to be able to override some of the inline styles that are hard-coded into parts of a Wikidot page. There is a technique that makes this possible. The trick is to use this syntax:
selector1 selector2 selectorx[style] { property: value !important; }
My specific application for this was that I wanted to remove some of the elements that are displayed when using the Lightbox Viewer with the [[gallery]] module. Using Firebug to inspect the lightbox images, I found the selectors and properties that I wanted to override. Using this technique, I was able to hide the image numbering (Image x of y), the Close button and the Prev and Next buttons.
You can use this code in a css module on any page where you have a [[gallery]]:
[[module css]] /* hide the "Image x of y" display */ #lightbox-image-details-currentNumber[style] { display:none !important; } /* hide the entire bottom data box (including the close button) */ #lightbox-container-image-data-box[style] { display:none !important; } /* leave the "prev" overlay graphic as transparent */ #lightbox-nav-btnPrev[style] { background-image: url(/common--theme/base/images/lightbox/lightbox-blank.gif) !important ; } /* leave the "next" overlay graphic as transparent */ #lightbox-nav-btnNext[style] { background-image: url(/common--theme/base/images/lightbox/lightbox-blank.gif) !important ; } [[/module]]
You can edit this to your preferences. I also bundled this code for use as a set of four CSIs.
If you find other uses for this technique with other Wikidot elements, please share them!
In Action
Ed Johnson. Please visit his/her userPage.