Import Simple Excel Tables Into Wikidot
Posted by gerdami on 06 Sep 2007 20:10, last edited by Helmut_pdorf on 12 Sep 2011 16:51
Tags: cell excel import row table vba
This HowTo describes how to import simple tables from Excel to Wikidot with a simple concatenation or with a VBA code.
In other words, it is sometimes easier to maintain a table outside Wikidot, let's say Excel, apply sorting, apply formatting and export the table to wikidot. Here is how:
The Spreadsheet
A. Simple and stupid solution
1. Prepare Excel
I suppose that you have an Excel sheet of 12 columns and n rows starting from cell A1.
If it is not the case, copy and paste your data in a new sheet in cell A1.
Insert a column before column A. Data are moved right and table now starts from cell B1.
Copy and paste the following code in cell A1, otherwise the stupid code below won't work :(
="||~ "&B1&"||~ "&C1&"||~ "&D1&"||~ "&E1&"||~ "&F1&"||~ "&G1&"||~ "&H1&"||~ "&I1&"||~ "&J1&"||~ "&K1&"||~ "&L1&"||~ "&M1&"|| "
="|| "&B2&"|| "&C2&"|| "&D2&"|| "&E2&"|| "&F2&"|| "&G2&"|| "&H2&"|| "&I2&"|| "&J2&"|| "&K2&"|| "&L2&"|| "&M2&"|| "
Copy down cell A2 to match the number of rows of your table.
Hint: double-click on the thick dot at the bottom right of cell A2.
After having adjusted the size of column A, which is absolutely not necessary… ;-) you would have
2. From Excel to Wikidot
Copy the range content "A1:An" to your wiki page. That's it.
Place |
Name |
No |
Glider |
T1 |
T2 |
T3 |
T4 |
T5 |
Total |
1 |
Dave |
6 |
Moyes Litespeed S |
135 |
468 |
500 |
468 |
289 |
1860 |
2 |
Graham |
4 |
Wills Wing T2 |
287 |
402 |
337 |
500 |
256 |
1781 |
3 |
Justin |
28 |
Moyes Litespeed |
150 |
340 |
347 |
320 |
500 |
1681 |
4 |
Gordon |
1 |
Moyes Litespeed |
129 |
466 |
295 |
326 |
438 |
1654 |
5 |
Bruce |
5 |
Wills Wing T2 |
210 |
457 |
281 |
378 |
218 |
1544 |
Some post-editing might be needed to suppress the extra columns to the right, i.d. supress " ||"
You might also merge some cells (e.g. the Name heading).
The excel formulas are to be extended if the number of columns is insufficient…
Please note that excel dates are numbers which have to converted to text by some excel formulas:
=TEXT(B2,"MM-YYYY") … if the date is in B2.
=TEXT(B3, "hh:mm:ss") … if time is in B3.
B. VBA solution
1. Copy the VBA code into Excel
From Excel, open the VBA interface by pressing
into the current workbook and paste the following code:
'MultiCat version 1.3.001 of 22.10.2007
'Purpose: Concatenate all cells in a range for table upload to wikidot
'Inputs: rRng - range to be concatenated
' sHeadDelim - optional heading delimiter
' to insert between cell Texts
'Usage: in call A1: =Multicat(B1:L1,"~") for the wikidot heading
' in call A2: =Multicat(B2:L2) for future wikidot line split
' in call A2: =Multicat(B2:L2," "," _") for future wikidot line split
' in call A3: =Multicat(B2:L2," ","") to suppress LF character "Alt-Enter"
'Returns: concatenated string
'Now supports: bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, subscript, superscript,
'cell font color, left, center, right alignment
'Adapted by gerdami on 05/09/2007 for Excel tables upload to Wikidot
'From McGimpsey and Associates.
'Except where noted, all code on this site may be distributed under the Gnu GPL.
'Acknowledgement is appreciated.
Public Function MultiCat( _
ByRef rRng As Excel.Range _
, Optional ByVal sHeadDelim As String = "" _
, Optional ByVal sChar10Rep As String = " _" _
) As String
Dim rCell As Range
Dim sDelim, sBlank, sTemp, sChar10, sChar34, sNull, sAlign, _
sBold As String
sDelim = "||"
sBlank = " "
' sChar10 = Chr(10) 'vbLf = vb Line Feed constant equivalent to Chr(10)
sChar34 = Chr(34)
sNull = ""
sChar10Rep = sChar10Rep ' & vbLf
For Each rCell In rRng
' sTemp = sTemp & sDelim & sHeadDelim & sBlank & rCell.Text & sBlank
If (sHeadDelim = " " Or sHeadDelim = "") Then
sAlign = ""
Select Case rCell.HorizontalAlignment
Case Is = xlGeneral
sAlign = ""
Case Is = xlCenter
sAlign = "="
Case Is = xlLeft
sAlign = "<"
Case Is = xlRight
sAlign = ">"
End Select
sAlign = sHeadDelim
End If
If rCell.Font.Bold = True Then
sBold = "**"
sBold = ""
End If
If rCell.Font.Italic = True Then
sItalic = "//"
sItalic = ""
End If
If rCell.Font.Strikethrough = True Then
sStrikethrough = "--"
sStrikethrough = ""
End If
If rCell.Font.Superscript = True Then
sSuperscript = "^^"
sSuperscript = ""
End If
If rCell.Font.Subscript = True Then
sSubscript = ",,"
sSubscript = ""
End If
' Underline is not simply True or False
If rCell.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone Then
sUnderline = ""
sUnderline = "__"
End If
' font colors
xColor = Right("000000" & Hex(rCell.Font.Color), 6)
xColor = "#" & Right(xColor, 2) & Mid(xColor, 3, 2) & Left(xColor, 2)
If xColor <> "#000000" Then
sColorBegin = "#" & xColor & "|"
sColorEnd = "##"
sColorBegin = ""
sColorEnd = ""
End If
xColor = Right("000000" & Hex(rCell.Interior.Color), 6)
xColor = "#" & Right(xColor, 2) & Mid(xColor, 3, 2) & Left(xColor, 2)
If xColor <> "#FFFFFF" Then
sSpanBegin = " [[span style=""background-color: " & xColor & """]] "
sSpanEnd = " [[/span]] "
sSpanBegin = ""
sSpanEnd = ""
End If
' added Trim(string) to supress spaces before and after the cell text
sTemp = sTemp & sDelim & sAlign & sBlank & sSpanBegin & sColorBegin & sUnderline & sBold & sItalic & sStrikethrough & sSuperscript & sSubscript & Trim(rCell.Text) & sSubscript & sSuperscript & sStrikethrough & sItalic & sBold & sUnderline & sColorEnd & sSpanEnd & sBlank
Next rCell
sTemp = sTemp & sDelim
sTemp = Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(sTemp, vbLf, sChar10Rep)
MultiCat = sTemp
End Function
Press Alt-F4 to quit VBA.
2. Insert the function MultiCat into the spreadsheet
So as you type "= multicat" into a cell it should give dropdown list with the functions available to you. If Multicat is not available, or it the cell displays "#name" then you have not added the code to the module. Go back a step :)
With this VBA solution, the table can be anywhere in your spreadsheet
… and dates do not need to be converted into text !
Select a free cell (e.g. B9) in your spreadsheet and enter the function
Select the cell below (B10) and enter function
Copy down cell B10 to match the number of rows, i.d. from B11 to B14 in our example.
3. From Excel to Wikidot
Copy the range content "B9:B14" to your wiki page. That's it.
Place |
Name |
No |
Glider |
T1 |
T2 |
T3 |
T4 |
T5 |
Total |
1 |
Dave |
6 |
Moyes Litespeed S |
135 |
468 |
500 |
468 |
289 |
1860 |
2 |
Graham |
4 |
Wills Wing T2 |
287 |
402 |
337 |
500 |
256 |
1781 |
3 |
Justin |
28 |
Moyes Litespeed |
150 |
340 |
347 |
320 |
500 |
1681 |
4 |
Gordon |
1 |
Moyes Litespeed |
129 |
466 |
295 |
326 |
438 |
1654 |
5 |
Bruce |
5 |
Wills Wing T2 |
210 |
457 |
281 |
378 |
218 |
1544 |
- v 1.0 : first code
- v 1.1 : line split (Alt-enter character) replaced by " _", the newline wikidot code
- v 1.2.003 : basic alignment left, center, right and bold, italic and underline
- v 1.3.002 : added font colors, strikethrough, superscript, subscript
What you get
Place |
Name |
First name |
No |
Glider |
T1 |
T2 |
T3 |
T4 |
T5 |
Total general |
1 |
Dave |
6 |
MoyesLitespeedS |
135 |
468 |
500 |
468 |
289 |
1860 |
2 |
Graham |
4 |
WillsWingT2 |
287 |
402 |
337 |
500 |
256 |
1782 |
3 |
Justin |
28 |
MoyesLitespeed |
150 |
341 |
347 |
320 |
500 |
1658 |
4 |
Gordon |
1 |
MoyesLitespeed |
129 |
466 |
295 |
326 |
438 |
1654 |
5 |
Bruce |
5 |
WillsWingT2 |
210 |
457 |
281 |
378 |
218 |
1544 |
If you trust me, this is the .xla: MultiCat v1.3.002.xla
C. VBA version 2
Version 2 generates [[table]], [[row]] and [[cell]] tags
BUT, unlike version 1, it is not a function anymore. it is just a sub procedure. Thats all.
You have to call this procedure with Alt-F8, when your active cell is within the table to convert to Wikidot's format. It will create a new sheet with the code to paste into a wikidot page. Yes, the code to be pasted is already selected ! .
Option Explicit
Public Sub ExcelToWikidot()
'Version 2.1.007 du 04/11/2007
'Author gerdami
' McGimpsey and Associates, for the idea:
' David McRitchie, for the colors:
' John Walkenbach, for the split function:
' Chip Pearson, for the Conditional Formatting Colors:
Dim aRange, rCell As Range
Dim nRows, nCols, i, j, x As Long
Dim sAlign, sBackgroundColor, sCell, sWdLf, xColor As String
Dim xString As Variant
sWdLf = " _"
'sWdLf = " _" & vbLf
Set aRange = Selection.CurrentRegion
nRows = aRange.Rows.Count
nCols = aRange.Columns.Count
'Sheets.Add.Name = "Wikidot" ... test whether Wikidot sheet exists and delete TODO !
ActiveCell.Value = "[[table style=""width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; border:2px solid""]]"
'ActiveCell.Value = "[[table]]"
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
For i = 1 To nRows
ActiveCell.Value = "[[row]]"
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
For j = 1 To nCols
Set rCell = aRange.Cells(i, j)
sCell = Trim(aRange.Cells(i, j).Text) 'remove spaces before and after text
sCell = Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(sCell, vbLf, sWdLf) 'replace char(010) by " _"
'ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Value & "[[cell]]"
'[[cell style is build piece by piece
ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Value & "[[cell style=""border:1px solid silver; "
Select Case rCell.HorizontalAlignment
Case Is = xlGeneral
sAlign = ""
Case Is = xlCenter
sAlign = "text-align: center; "
Case Is = xlLeft
sAlign = "text-align: left; "
Case Is = xlRight
sAlign = "text-align: right; "
End Select
ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Value & sAlign
' background-color
' xColor = Right("000000" & Hex(rCell.Interior.Color), 6) 'David Mc
' xColor = Right("000000" & Hex(ColorOfCF(rCell, 0)), 6) 'Chip Pearson
xColor = Right("000000" & Hex(ConditionalColor(rCell, "interior")), 6) '
xColor = "#" & Right(xColor, 2) & Mid(xColor, 3, 2) & Left(xColor, 2)
If xColor <> "#FFFFFF" Then
sBackgroundColor = " background-color: " & xColor & ";"
sBackgroundColor = ""
End If
ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Value & sBackgroundColor
ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Value & """]]"
If Len(sCell) > 0 Then 'Wikidot does not like empty cells: v2.1.007
'cell emphasis is applied piece by piece
If rCell.Font.Bold = True Then sCell = "**" & sCell & "**"
If rCell.Font.Italic = True Then sCell = "//" & sCell & "//"
If rCell.Font.Strikethrough = True Then sCell = "--" & sCell & "--"
If rCell.Font.Superscript = True Then sCell = "^^" & sCell & "^^"
If rCell.Font.Subscript = True Then sCell = ",," & sCell & ",,"
If rCell.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone Then Else sCell = "__" & sCell & "__"
' font colors
' xColor = Right("000000" & Hex(rCell.Font.Color), 6)
' xColor = Right("000000" & Hex(ColorOfCF(rCell, 1)), 6)
xColor = Right("000000" & Hex(ConditionalColor(rCell, "font")), 6)
xColor = "#" & Right(xColor, 2) & Mid(xColor, 3, 2) & Left(xColor, 2)
If xColor <> "#000000" Then sCell = "#" & xColor & "|" & sCell & "##"
ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Value & sCell
Else ' Len(sCell) = zero then nothing
End If
ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Value & "[[/cell]]"
' With the above I have all cells in one row, with the split function,
' I will split the cells containing the Wikidot linefeed " _"
xString = Split(ActiveCell.Text, sWdLf)
For x = 0 To UBound(xString)
ActiveCell.Value = xString(x)
If x <> UBound(xString) Then ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Value & sWdLf
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
' I have currently a side effect: one cell per line
' but I will keep it for readibility
Next x
Next j
'ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
ActiveCell.Value = "[[/row]]"
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
Next i
ActiveCell.Value = "[[/table]]"
End Sub
Function ConditionalColor(rg As Range, FormatType As String) As Long
'Returns the color (either font or interior) of the first cell in range rg. If no _
conditional format conditions apply, then returns the regular color of the cell. _
FormatType is either "Font" or "Interior"
Dim cel As Range
Dim tmp As Variant
Dim boo As Boolean
Dim frmla As String, frmlaR1C1 As String, frmlaA1 As String
Dim i As Long
' Application.Volatile 'This statement required if Conditional Formatting for rg is determined by the _
value of other cells
Set cel = rg.Cells(1, 1)
Select Case Left(LCase(FormatType), 1)
Case "f" 'Font color
ConditionalColor = cel.Font.Color
Case Else 'Interior or highlight color
ConditionalColor = cel.Interior.Color
End Select
If cel.FormatConditions.Count > 0 Then
'On Error Resume Next
With cel.FormatConditions
For i = 1 To .Count 'Loop through the three possible format conditions for each cell
frmla = .Item(i).Formula1
If Left(frmla, 1) = "=" Then 'If "Formula Is", then evaluate if it is True
'Conditional Formatting is interpreted relative to the active cell. _
This cause the wrong results if the formula isn't restated relative to the cell containing the _
Conditional Formatting--hence the workaround using ConvertFormula twice in a row. _
If the function were not called using a worksheet formula, you could just activate the cell instead.
frmlaR1C1 = Application.ConvertFormula(frmla, xlA1, xlR1C1, , ActiveCell)
frmlaA1 = Application.ConvertFormula(frmlaR1C1, xlR1C1, xlA1, xlAbsolute, cel)
boo = Application.Evaluate(frmlaA1)
Else 'If "Value Is", then identify the type of comparison operator and build comparison formula
Select Case .Item(i).Operator
Case xlEqual ' = x
frmla = cel & "=" & .Item(i).Formula1
Case xlNotEqual ' <> x
frmla = cel & "<>" & .Item(i).Formula1
Case xlBetween 'x <= cel <= y
frmla = "AND(" & .Item(i).Formula1 & "<=" & cel & "," & cel & "<=" & .Item(i).Formula2 & ")"
Case xlNotBetween 'x > cel or cel > y
frmla = "OR(" & .Item(i).Formula1 & ">" & cel & "," & cel & ">" & .Item(i).Formula2 & ")"
Case xlLess ' < x
frmla = cel & "<" & .Item(i).Formula1
Case xlLessEqual ' <= x
frmla = cel & "<=" & .Item(i).Formula1
Case xlGreater ' > x
frmla = cel & ">" & .Item(i).Formula1
Case xlGreaterEqual ' >= x
frmla = cel & ">=" & .Item(i).Formula1
End Select
boo = Application.Evaluate(frmla) 'Evaluate the "Value Is" comparison formula
End If
If boo Then 'If this Format Condition is satisfied
On Error Resume Next
Select Case Left(LCase(FormatType), 1)
Case "f" 'Font color
tmp = .Item(i).Font.Color
Case Else 'Interior or highlight color
tmp = .Item(i).Interior.Color
End Select
If Err = 0 Then ConditionalColor = tmp
On Error GoTo 0
Exit For 'Since Format Condition is satisfied, exit the inner loop
End If
Next i
End With
End If
End Function
2.0.004 : first release of version 2. Now LineFeed (Alt-Enter -> " _Enter") WORKS, guys.
2.1.006 : now, also converts some conditional formatting (i.e. value condition, not formula condition), for Excel 2002/2003, buggy with Excel 2007, not tested with earlier versions.
2.1.007 : now allows empty cells… still working on conditional formatting improvements
What you get
Places |
Name |
First name |
No |
Glider |
T1 |
T2 |
T3 |
T4 |
T5 |
Total general |
1 |
The King
Kong |
Dave |
6 |
S |
135 |
468 |
500 |
468 |
289 |
1860 |
2 |
Graham |
4 |
WillsWingT2 |
287 |
402 |
337 |
500 |
256 |
1782 |
3 |
Justin |
28 |
Litespeed |
150 |
341 |
347 |
320 |
500 |
1658 |
4 |
Gordon |
1 |
Litespeed |
129 |
466 |
295 |
326 |
438 |
1654 |
5 |
Bruce |
5 |
WillsWingT2 |
210 |
457 |
281 |
378 |
218 |
1544 |
[[table style="width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; border:2px solid"]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #FFFF00;"]]##FF0000|**Places**##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #FFFF00;"]]##FF0000|**Name**##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #FFFF00;"]]##FF0000|**First name**##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #FFFF00;"]]##FF0000|**No**##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #FFFF00;"]]##FF0000|**Glider**##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #FFFF00;"]]##FF0000|**T1**##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #FFFF00;"]]##FF0000|**T2**##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #FFFF00;"]]##FF0000|**T3**##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #FFFF00;"]]##FF0000|**T4**##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #FFFF00;"]]##FF0000|**T5**##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #FFFF00;"]]##FF0000|**Total general**##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: left; background-color: #FF0000;"]]**1**[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]##0000FF|MATTHEWS _
The King _
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]##0000FF|//Dave//##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]##0000FF|6##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]##0000FF|Moyes _
Litespeed _
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]135[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #808080;"]]##00FFFF|468##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #808080;"]]##00FFFF|500##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #808080;"]]##00FFFF|468##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #C0C0C0;"]]##800080|289##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: right; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]##333399|**1860**##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: left; background-color: #FFFF00;"]]##0000FF|**2**##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]PHIPPS[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]//Graham//[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]4[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]WillsWingT2[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #C0C0C0;"]]##800080|287##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #969696;"]]##00FF00|402##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #969696;"]]##00FF00|337##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #808080;"]]##00FFFF|500##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #C0C0C0;"]]##800080|256##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: right; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]##333399|**1782**##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: left; background-color: #CC99FF;"]]##800080|**3**##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]**NEEDHAM**[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]__//**Justin**//__[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]**28**[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]**Moyes _
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #C0C0C0;"]]##800080|150##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #969696;"]]##00FF00|341##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #969696;"]]##00FF00|347##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #969696;"]]##00FF00|320##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #808080;"]]##00FFFF|500##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: left; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]##333399|**1658**##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: left; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]**4**[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]RIGG[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]//Gordon//[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]1[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]Moyes _
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]129[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #808080;"]]##00FFFF|466##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #C0C0C0;"]]##800080|295##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #969696;"]]##00FF00|326##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #969696;"]]##00FF00|438##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]##333399|**1654**##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: left; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]**5**[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]KAVANAGH[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]//Bruce//[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]5[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; background-color: #CCFFFF;"]]##FF0000|WillsWingT2##[[/cell]]
[[cell style="border:1px solid silver; text-align: center; background-color: #C0C0C0;"]]##800080|210##[[/cell]]
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If you trust me, here are the .xla:
MultiCat v2.0.004.xla
MultiCat v2.1.006.xla
MultiCat v2.1.007.xla
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gerdami. Please visit his/her userPage.
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