Posted by Helmut_pdorf on 25 May 2007 07:21, last edited by Helmut_pdorf on 27 Feb 2009 07:43
This page explains how you can send e-mails (like invitations) to your friends and/or contacts.
Table of Contents
0. Prerpare your "Joining page"
You need a well prepared "How to join this site" page ( url/page name normally "system:join" ) - this is the "landing" page on private sites.
To prepare such a page for applyment read the howto: How to let people join my site.
Notice: you can always "invite registered users" to your site in a directly way in the "Site manager" » "Membes" » "Invite Members" over their user id. - They need only to accept…
1. Where to go to Send E-Mail Invitations
If you have not done so yet, you should create Your Own Site first!
Then you have on Your Own Site a navigation bar (nav:side) with a menu containing:
Site Manager which leads you to the page Your Own Site/admin:manage with a lot of sub menus listed on the left side of the page.
In this sub menu you will find listed:Members, which has its own a sub menu, which has listed as the seventh item down:
Send Email Invitations :
When you click on that link it will open a form you can use to send e-mails. NOTE: the recievers do not need a wikidot account. :
============= I copied the restulting screen here ==========
2. Invite new members via e-mail
You can send email invitations to your friends telling them about your wiki site. If they respond to your invitation by signing up with a Wikidot account, they will automatically become members of your site.
You can send one invitation to a single e-mail address. Do not abuse this by sending spam! This could have negative reprecussions for your site and your account.
2.1. Whom do you want to invite?
2.2. + bulk invitations
This option opens an extra window:
Paste the list of recipients in this format:
Name <moc.elpmaxe|liame#moc.elpmaxe|liame>, Another Name <moc.elpmaxe|2liame#moc.elpmaxe|2liame>
(but the algorithm should also handle other formats - just try!)
Separate entries by a coma or newline.
The addresses you enter here will be added to the list when you click "process".
2.3. + upload a file with contacts
leads You to:
File with contacts: _
The adresses you enter here will be added to the list below when you click "upload".
Most of the CSV formats will do, including these from GMail and MS Outlook.
2.4. standard adresses
But normally You have these input possibility:
Name (required):
Email address:
to contacts?
Name (required):
Email address:
to contacts?
Name (required):
Email address:
to contacts?
2.5. contacts
to contacts: all | none
add more recipients
If you want the invited users to become your contacts and vice versa (i.e. add them to your list of contacts and add yourself to their lists) - toggle the "to contacts" checkboxes above.
You can not send more than 200 invitations at once.
3. What to tell them?
3.1. Input screen:
This is the message your recipient(s) will receive. Please do not use any formatting (wiki nor HTML) within your (optional) message.
From: Helmuti_pdorf <helmut.€@%&§>
Subject: [] Helmuti_pdorf invites you to join!
Hello name of the recipient,
Helmuti_pdorf (Helmut) would like to invite you to join members of the wiki website "YOur Own Site" created at and located at the address
Your personal text to insert here….
Signing up is easy and takes less than a minute. If you already have a account you will be given a possibility to join the mentioned Site. To proceed or learn more click the follow link:
(generated link will be placed here)
See you
Helmuti_pdorf (Helmut)
3.2. What got the recipient ?
I got (as a test) following mail:
Hello Helmuti_%&($,
Helmuti_pdorf (Helmut) would like to invite you to join members of the wiki website "Helmuti-Pdorf"
created at and located at the address
Hi Helmuti_%&($!
This is a test to invite YOu….
Kind regards
Signing up is easy and takes less than a minute. If you already have a account you will be given a possibility to join the mentioned Site.
To proceed or learn more click the follow link:
( ==> links to standard "Membership Invitation" - please, understand that I do not want to invite now all readers on my site….)
See you
Helmuti_pdorf (Helmut)
P.S. If you do not want to accept this invitation - just ignore it.
If you believe this invitation is an abuse - please report it to:
4. History of Invitations
This is the page You will get after "send" or with the sub menu on Members:
4.1. List of sent email invitations
4.1.1. sent
sent by Admins only | all
Date Recipient Attempts Status Action
2007-05-25 Helmuti_xyz2 <helmut.xyz2@$%&> 1 not joined (yet?) resend | delete
You can resend (remind) the invitation 2 times max. Please do not abuse this.
4.1.2. Resend invitation to
You can write a few words here if you wish:
Hi, I just want to remind you about the invitation I have sent you some time ago.
Original message (with the invitation link) will be included too.
send more invitations