Posted by gerdami on 29 Nov 2009 09:48, last edited by GoVegan on 09 May 2010 05:46
Tags: css forum signature stylish
Wikidot members can customise their forum signatures via My account, My profile, Forum signature.
8.2. Several users are complaining about the signature of one user, which is promoting a political ideology. The site admin asks the user to change his signature. [...]
Source: WCPG
Admin side
The admin of a site can append some CSS code to his/her custom theme
Hide all forum signatures
.signature {display:none !important;}
Hide pictures (only) in forum signatures
.signature img {display:none !important;}
Client side
If you don't want to see forum signatures from a wikidot site that you don't own, first get Stylish addons for Firefox1, which lets you customise the way you see any website in the WWW.
The good things with Stylish2:
- it's user's choice
- user can later enable/disable signatures with a single click
Click on the Stylish button, Write new style -> For… or For… and add one of the following codes:
Hide all forum signatures from
@-moz-document domain("") { .signature {display:none !important;} }
Hide pictures (only) in forum signatures from any wikidot site
@-moz-document domain("") { .signature img {display:none !important;} }
gerdami. Please visit his/her userPage.