Posted by GoVegan on 09 Dec 2008 23:04, last edited by Ed Johnson on 09 Jul 2017 20:39
Tags: automatic blog forum listpages live module template
With the recent development of the ListPages module, the Wikidot engine has become very powerful, and is now able to provide new automated functionalities. One of these functionalities include the ability to create fully functional blogs.
Table of Contents
You will need a…
- category to store all blog entries in;
- live template to automate display formatting of new entries;
- page to display the latest blog entry;
- page to display all blog entries (for RSS feeds).
Step 1: Create a category
You will need to create a Category to store all blog entries in. The "Category" you create is really nothing more than a new page except it becomes a "home" or top level page for the rest of the blog's supporting "sub-pages" to "fall out of" or be attached to as you create them. The details are covered down in Step 2, below.
In this how-to, we will use the "blog" category. Now you have two options as to how you will store your blog entries:
- Name given URLs (i.e. blog:great-food, blog:fun-swimming, etc, etc.);
- Sequentially numbered URLs (i.e. blog:1, blog:2, etc, etc.).
There are no 'side-effects' to either method, so whatever you choose will have no affect on the rest of your blog. The only difference is that you may want a 'more ordered' blog with automatically numbered entries. However; you need to perform some extra steps if you choose option 2.
Category Creation Steps
- At your home page, create a new page by filling out the "New Page" entry block and click, "New Page". Keep the exact spelling of that new page in mind.
- A new page will be created and you will be taken to it in the "edit" mode.
- Make whatever changes you want to initially make to the new page and save it using the "Save" button at the bottom of the page. Note that the title of the new page shown at the top.
- Make reference to the new page in whatever "directory" or site tree menu you have chosen by editing that portion of your site; as long as you type in the reference just as you created it, it will provide a direct link to the new page.
Auto-numbering of blog entries
From the Site Manager, click on "Autonumbering of pages". Then click "+ add autonumbering". You should see this:
Type in your blogging category (in our example, it is simply "blog") and press the "add autonumbering" button.
Step 2: Create the live template
Now that we have decided upon what our blogging category is, we must create a live template for it. This will arrange every blog entry to have the same layout — brilliant for consistency.
Note: Attempting to create the live template with the NewPage module's text entry box will not work! You must instead enter the page name directly into your browser's address bar. We recommend you read the glossary for more information.
So let's get started — create the page _template in your blogging category (i.e. blog:_template). On the page, we need to have the blogging entry content placed somewhere. Type in %%content%%, and save the page.
There are a few things you may like to include on your template:
- Automatic page parenting (emulated);
- Date and/or time of post;
- Page rating module (must have rating enabled);
- Comments module (must have forum enabled).
We'll go through how to do each of these one by one.
Automatic page parenting (emulated)
You may find that you like the breadcrumbs navigation when you assign a parent-page to a page. But it would get quite tedious if for every blog entry had to manually assign the parent page to our blogging category. A great workaround to this is by emulating the breadcrumbs navigation:
[[[Blog]]] » %%title%%
Date and/or time of post
Featured in most blogs is the date and time of the entry. To do this, you simply add the following code:
[[[Blog]]] » %%title%%
Posted on %%date|%A: %d %B, %Y|agohover%%
That will show the day of the week, followed by the date (day month year). You can, however, change this to any format you like. See this page for more information.
Page rating module
You may like to give your readers the opportunity to rate your blogging entries. To do this, simply type:
[[[Blog]]] » %%title%%
Posted on %%date|%A: %d %B, %Y|agohover%%
Like this entry?
[[module Rate]]
Remember to enable rating for your blogging category.
Comments module
Also common in most blogs is the ability for readers to 'comment back' or discuss what you have talked about. We can do this with the comments module. Even if you are not using a forum on your site, to use the comments module you will need to activate the forum from site manager -> forum and discussion -> settings.
[[[Blog]]] » %%title%%
Posted on %%date|%A: %d %B, %Y|agohover%%
Like this entry?
[[module Rate]]
[[module Comments title="Leave a comment"]]
Step 3: Create blog home page
Now that you've set up the blogging category, you need a place to display the latest blog! Go to your blogging category page (ours is the blog page) and type in the following code:
[[size x-large]]Latest Blog:[[/size]]
[[module ListPages order="dateCreatedDesc" limit="1" category="blog"]]
[[size large]]%%title_linked%%[[/size]] posted on %%date|%A: %d %B, %Y|agohover%%
%%short%% ([[[%%page_unix_name%% |read more…]]])
**Comments: %%comments%%**, Rating: %%rating%%
We are only showing the latest page (order="dateCreatedDesc" limit="1") of the "blog" category. What we are showing here is the title of the blog entry and when it was posted. Then we display only a short snippet of the page, and give a link for the user to "read more". After that we display the number of comments of that blog entry, and how highly it has been rated.
There are a few things you may like to include on your blog home page:
Step 4: RSS Feed (optional)
If you want your readers to have easy access to your blogs via an RSS feed, then you need to supply an RSS link on the blog home page. Just replace the ListPages module code with the following code:
[[module ListPages order="dateCreatedDesc" limit="1" category="blog" rss="Your blog title!"]]
Obviously, you would replace "Your blog title" with the title of your choice; ideally, your blog's name.
Step 5: Finish
Finally, you may want to add a "Create new blog entry" button somewhere on your site:
[[module NewPage category="blog" button="New Blog Entry" tags="blog"]]
It is not necessary to automatically tag each entry with 'blog' (tags="blog"), but you may want to anyway.
And you're done! Now you should create a blog entry in recognition of your achievement!
Summary of pages needed
There are some pages needed for a blog. After doing like this howto you will have following pages(assuming the method with "autonumbered" pages):
page-name | title | content |
blog | Blog Overview | "master" page - shows in an overview all existing "blog: … " pages (Step 3; Step 5) |
blog:_template | Blog Live Template | "Layout holder", describes the output of all pages starting with "blog:" (Step 2) |
blog:1 | First Entry in my blog | This is my first entry in my blog! if you want you can comment this page with… . . |
blog:2 | Second news | I got my first comment! … |
1. The first 2 pages have to be keyed in manually - either on the adressbar or on the side bar if there exists a box for new pages.
2. The first page "blog" can be named free - this is NOT in category "blog:" !!
3. If the autonumbering feature is not used, then the Page-Names of "blog:x#y#z… " have to be set manually- in any order…
Here are a few good examples of blogging on Wikidot.
Open Source
Closed Source
Related Pages
James Kanjo. Please visit his/her userPage.
I created this page to give the basic skeleton of how to do modern-day Wikidot blogging.
The current articles are:
I feel these are very clumsy and out-of-date methods of blogging on Wikidot, which is why I made this page.
Please rate it up!!
Well done James!
I like the short over view - done with a lot of work - started 8 hours before now..- !!
Now we have an answer if a newbee ask for how can I implement a blog?
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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A very good summary!
There's one thing that I noticed: There's no need for “Step 4: RSS Feed” if it's just to generate an RSS feed.
You may want to check to see how to construct any RSS URL link that may be placed on any page you desire.
In your example the RSS link would be something like
Thanks for the support guys!
Ahh yes, the optional Step 4…
I changed it to display your example instead — although this is a wiki, so you should feel free to contribute if you have improvements.
Yes Helmuti! That is exactly why I wrote it =D
Hi James. good stuff.
Being an idiot, i thought i would go thru the steps as you suggest, to see what happens.
the first thing is that if anyone cuts and paste the code you have so kindly provided, it will cause major confusion as unneeded spaces are added which completely *&^% IT UP :-((.
edit …. loads of stuff removed.
I don't understand you. I went and followed my instructions (3 separate links), and the whole thing worked perfectly. The only problem I discovered was that the rating module can't be used inline (which I did not know before). What are these "unneeded spaces" you are talking about?
And about your "quicker easier way", I honestly found your layout extremely confusing. Perhaps you could draw up a more logical layout? I mean, are the dot-points supposed to be headings, or instructions? And why is everything in bold?
prehaps its me then.
if i cut and paste, it puts 4 spaces in the edit box before and code.
so [[rate]] will work, but space space... [[rate]] wont
Following your instructions was fine. i just found it easier working backwards so to speak :-)
Has any one else actually tried it??
Ahh, I know what you're talking about now! No, that didn't happen when I did it (copy-paste), but it has happened to me in the past. I believe it might be browser dependent — I'm using Chrome these days.
From memory, I believe that this doesn't happen if you use [[code]] blocks instead of > blocks. Shame too, because I always found the [[code]] blocks difficult to read (which is why I use the > blocks)
I'll change it to the [[code]] blocks now, and perhaps you can test if it has spaces when you copy and paste.
YEY! thats better james :-))
Cut and paste works fine.
I didnt realise you had use quotes instead of code blocks.
And i thought that it was cutting and pasting from code that caused my problem.
Which is why i did all that crap the way i did :-)
As we say to our customers when they report problems:
The "sorry, glad, thanks" principal, it works like a charm… every time ;)
PS. Rate it up!
Please be polite young guy!
Anyone here can participate and help improving wikidot, but it is not necessary to use words that might offend people that helped in early times of wikidot when all current features did not exist.
Thank you for your understanding.
gerdami - Visit Handbook en Français - Rate this howto:import-simple-excel-tables-into-wikidot up!
I was a bit rude, towards the creator of those two how-tos (you). I understand what you say, but please understand that I wasn't trying to target you — I just meant to say that it has become out-of-date, that is all. It was the best solution in its day.
OK. Game over.
gerdami - Visit Handbook en Français - Rate this howto:import-simple-excel-tables-into-wikidot up!
is there a way to get a list of recent comments (side-wide or category-wide)?
Or is there a way to get email notification for comments on your blog?
Either solution would work for me.
Well you have two options you could set up a rss feed or a mini post style thing with this module.
Join Codeworld.
Also check out my blog.
Thanks for the time it took to create this :-)
However, I'm a little confused. Do I have all this on one page now? The blog_template page?
Hey James,
There is another way to generate the RSS feed/icon for the blog : add the attribute rss="myblog" to the ListPages module.
gerdami - Visit Handbook en Français - Rate this howto:import-simple-excel-tables-into-wikidot up!
Step 4 might also show that RSS can be generated through the ListPages module.
gerdami - Visit Handbook en Français - Rate this howto:import-simple-excel-tables-into-wikidot up!
You're damn right. I don't know why I had it in any other way. Thanks Gerdami!
Hi James,
This is a really great introduction — thanks very much for putting it together. I've just started using Wikidot today and I have what looks like a very acceptable blog up and running already.
One question re step 5. You say "Finally, you may want to add a "Create new blog entry" button somewhere on your site". For us newbies, it would be really helpful if you gave an example of where would be a good place to put that button. It seems to me that the nav:side page would be a good default place.
Finally, is it possible to use the NewPage module to create a page with a blank title? It'd be nice to just press the New Blog Entry button and be able to do all the editing on the new post page.
Thanks again for the guide.
You don't need a NewPage module if you don't want titles. Simply put
and it links to the edit place.
Also, if you liked the guide, don't forget to rate it up.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
Anyone who wants to contribute some of these ideas to the site, please go ahead. This will become a template for new users' sites. It's easier to just give people a fully working blog than to explain to them how to do it.
At least, it would be useful to link back to this page from the blog-template site, somewhere.
I plan on implementing this soon, just wanted to check to see if would also work fine with this?
It should work fine, but those two modules have been deprecated in favour of the ListPages module, which can now do the same thing (and ListPages is a lot more customisable)
Writing up a quick example…
Add in some div's, and you get this finished product:
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
Very nice Shane, ta.
I'll see if I can create me blog later today and post back. Watch out for the HobStar HobBlog, lol
Main page:
On the template, I changed the %%content%% to %%content{1}%% and %%content{2}%% where content1 is an intro to the blog and content2 is the main(remaining) content.
I did this so that on my main page I could list just the intro (%%short%% will display the first 'content' so if there is only one then...) in the listpage.
I've also added the 'Previous' and 'Next' code from Shane, but that won't show until I have more than one entry.
Any other suggestions?
P.S. I'm also going to add RSS (almost typed CSS then) to my blog as well.
P.P.S. "Kids, don't Wiki when tired"
It's good stuff James, but I'm having a small problem.
When I head on over to my blog's home page, it shows my "blog:_template" page under "latest blog", is this supposed to happen? I am just crazy? Any advice would be greatly appreciated,
thanks in advance,
It sounds like you might have pagetype="*" or pagetype="hidden" in a ListPages module somewhere.
Could you link to the page with the problem, or post the source code you are using here?
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
Actually, the _template page doesn't exist. It is displaying blog:1, so either an error occurred or the input in the URL was incorrect.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
It sounds like the NewPages module was used to create the template. It strips off the "_" character and creates a page called "template". Since the category is autonumbered, that turned into "1".
You must use the URL to create a hidden page.
Good thinking rurwin. I agree, that sounds likely. Others have made the same mistake and others will continue to make that mistake in future.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
Thanks Shane for update the glossary hidden page!
Someone should update this howto in the same warning….
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~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
That's interesting. Try this:
If this doesn't work, let us know.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
Thanks for all the replies guys! It works!
I followed these instructions and it all seems to work. However, I get the message "Please use the site manager to activate the Forum, or ask your admin to help" on
I don't have a forum. How do I fix this, or can I happily ignore it?
I assume that you are wanting to use the comments module on your blog. If so then as it says early in step 2, you need to activate the forum. So go to your site manager -> forum and discussion - settings and press the "activate forum now" button in the middle of the screen.
Edit: as the need to activate the forum was easy to miss I have added in a paragraph about this in the section on the comments module.
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.
Thank you! All fixed now =)
i do not know to make a post on my site of
hope anyebody to help us
"jamemolon " is a spammer - only building and posting to have his/her signature online. (Comment , which you refer was deleted .).
And her(his Site is a candidate for the spmabot filter also..
You are creating a new site now and you need only to READ the first existing start page.
If you want to create a new Blog-Entry in your site - than go to and key in a new NAME of your first own blog-post in the field right top ( "new post" ) - and "Enter" .
Your new page with this name will be created and is in EDIT Mode.
Key in your text and click on save - you have created your first post.
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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Im try to make a blog in wikidot, but i can't. I want to post some artikel in my blog. Can you help me?
Kunjungi website kami di KacamataAntiRadiasi
Welcome to wikidot!
You can! I have seen your site and had a look - some work has started for you. We all had at the beginning the same problems …
If you need more help have a look on the handbook, some parts in indonesia language: , most in english.
or on our community howto's:
Please - the external link in your signature is not a good idea for beginners - this looks like "webspam" and SEO technic for better search results of this links and is dangerous for free accounts.
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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Just a try