Posted by gerdami on 13 Sep 2007 19:23, last edited by Ed Johnson on 16 Feb 2011 04:02
This page has been placed into the archive due to it being old, out-dated or containing unhelpful information. |
Wikidot has currently no perfect blogging feature, i.d. a collection of pages ordered descending by creation date, with backlinks and comments modules in the bottom. However, before the release of version wikidot 2.0, it is possible to simulate a blog.
The technique below uses includes, templates, and categories, as usual. It also uses a footer and a right-column which can be reused for anything besides the blog: category.
The set of pages described below is necessary to run this type of blog:
I always store my included pages inside the include: category
[!-- usage: [[include inc:add-page type=flickr]] or blog ... --]
Add one {$type} page
[[module NewPage category="{$type}" template="template:{$type}" size="10" button="Add" ]]
+ Backlinks
[[module Backlinks]]
[[module Comments]]
[!-- usage: [[include inc:right-column type=flickr]] or blog ... --]
[[div style="float:right; width:20%; padding:1%; border:1px solid #000;"]]
[[[Start {$type}]]]
[[include inc:add-page type={$type}]]
[[include inc:tagcloud type={$type}]]
[[module TagCloud minFontSize="80%" maxFontSize="200%" maxColor="8,8,64" minColor="100,100,128" limit="100" category="{$type}" target="system2:page-tags-{$type}"]]
Only blog tags should appear…
If system: category is locked… then system2 !
[[div style="float:left; width:75%; padding:1%;"]]
[[module PagesByTag]]
[[include inc:right-column type=blog]]
This page tags will also have the right-column of blog type…
[[div style="float:left; width:75%; padding:1%;"]]
**[[size 90%]] EnterDateHere - [[*user EnterUserName]] [[/size]]**
[[include inc:footer]]
[[include inc:right-column type=blog]]
This template is called by the include:add-page…
The main page
Start Blog
[[div style="float:left; width:75%; padding:1%;"]]
[[module Pages category="blog" order="dateCreatedDesc" preview="true" limit="100" ]]
[[include inc:right-column type=blog]]
Copy this stuff
To create all this stuff, copy this howto:create-a-blog to your wiki.
Missing pages are greyed, copy the code below the link, click the link, create the page and paste the code. At the end of this process, Start Blog should work, … I hope.
Examples of one wikidot site using section categories (as derived from above code):
- "Glossary";
- "Articles";
- "Blog";
- And so on… for any purpose you need…
Other blogs based on category blog:
gerdami. Please visit his/her userPage.
Credits: similar technique was previously published at
You must have been very excited when you came up with this interface — how could you not? You had, after all, overcome the barriers and limitations of Wikidot's infancy. Well done!
Isn't it phenomenal how the ListPages module and the Live Template system revolutionised Wikidot's capacity? However; even with these awesome tools, the end product actually isn't very different from your system here… the only real difference is that you can customise how you want a collection of blog posts displayed. I mean, sure the process was slightly less automated, but the output was essentially the same.
You did a brilliant job.