Posted by michal-frackowiak on 03 Sep 2006 21:16, last edited by Croquembouche on 24 Sep 2021 12:02
Tags: feed feedblitz feedburner notification rss
This howto describes how to (effectively) use RSS feeds from to be notified about things you care about ;-)
Tip: As of 2021-09-24, there is a 3rd-party application that enables you to receive forum notifications right to your inbox — see
Table of Contents
Today more and more web services offer RSS feeds as a convenient way for the users to be notified about the changes. exports a lot of feeds to help its users be notified about changes to their user account, chages to the content pages and forums.
Wikidot offers email notifications only for events related to your account via the daily digest email option (configurable at your account » account settings » notifications). For anything else you should use feeds along with special software (desktop feed aggregators) or web-based aggregators.
Why use feeds?
Well, if you use feeds from you can be informed within seconds about:
- events related to your account (membership, new private messages etc.)
- any changes to your watched pages and threads
- changes made to pages of particular site (e.g. all the recent page changes from this Community Site are here
- new threads and posts from discussion forums (whole forum or selected categories or single threads)
List of feeds available
Added by
gerdami. Please visit his/her userPage.
Public feeds new threads in forum category no 10 new posts in forum category no 12 new posts in thread no 8407
Private feeds
Watched item changes via RSS feeds:
These feeds rely on a basic HTTP Authentication mechanism.
See for more details.
Tip: replace "community" with your wikiname.
Private feeds usually cannot be used directly since you must provide authentification through a login, your email address and a password (the hashed password available in section "Notification" of the Site Manager).
However if you are an admin of a site you can use which will enable you and your users to view your private feeds in our browser and on your iGoogle homepage.
For more info see
Receive notifications by email
You can use external services such as FeedBlitz1( to convert any RSS feed from Wikidot into an email digest.
Example of using FeedBlitz to provide a forum feed
- Register at FeedBlitz
- Create a new feed
- Embed the generated form code on your wikidot page
You can get forum updates by email:
<form Method="POST" action="">
Enter your Email<br><input name="EMAIL" maxlength="255" type="text" size="30" value=""><br>
<input name="FEEDID" type="hidden" value="95900">
<input type="submit" value="Subscribe me!">
<br>Powered by <a href="">FeedBlitz</a></form>
Another example with FeedBlitz
A click on one of the links below will lead the reader on a FeedBlitz form where the reader will have to enter his email address to subscribe to the feed. No prior subscription by the wiki manager is needed.
Invite friends to subscribe to your feeds
Simple invitation with FeedBurner
FeedBurner2 is the leading provider of media distribution and audience engagement services for blogs and RSS feeds.
[ Tell a friend]
In action: Tell a friend
Feedburner was acquired by Google in June 2007. Source:
Related links
In the guide it says you can get a RSS feed for watched pages, but the list of example feeds doesn't seem to include this?
Also, is it possible to get a RSS feed for changes to a single page (non-forum)?
I added the feed samples in this HowTo:
First, you have to watch a page. I.d. at the bottom a page, click on history and you will see at the top right of your screen the add to watched command.
Second, go to the my account menu and click on watched pages
Third, look for Via RSS feed in the left menu.
I finally got the RSS working on my own wiki site (iPhone Campus), however, it feeds all of changes on my site because I have to use "site changes" feed. I only want readers to see new articles posted on my site, not other changes on the site. How do I do it? I saw on some page it claims that you can filter pages with certain tags in the feed. That should work for me, but I don't see the detailed instructions. Does anybody knows how to do it?
Use the listpages module.
Thanks the suggestion! I know listpages module, however, I am looking for feed, not creating a page listing pages. The following is the feed that I am using, I tried change "site-changes" to "listpages", but it doesn't work.
Please look at the listpages module a bit more. Consider looking at the items on the page containing "RSS". It can produce feeds, tho it may just update when the list of pages changes, not when the pages themselves change.
Thanks for the hint. Finally I got it working. The following is code that I am using. However, this displays the post title, author and date in addition to the RSS icon/link. Although this is fine with me, I am wondering is there a way to just get the RSS without displaying those information. I tried removing them, but no success.
[[module ListPages category="" rss="iPhone Campus" tags="review must-have how-to jailbreak unlock application"]]
by %%author%% %%date%%
tags: %%tags%%
Hum, maybe you can just put the list pages somewhere else (on another page) and just link to the feed, or possible put it in a folding block thing.
Yes, this is possible. You do not have to use [[module ListPages ...]] at all. Just set up a link as described in — there you'll find many if not all possible ways how to build Wikidot RSS feeds.
In your example the link would be something like,must-have,how-to jailbreak,unlock,application/t/iPhone+Campus
Replace wiki-name with the name of your wiki, and category-list with the category of your posts.