Posted by atglabs on 11 Jan 2008 02:54, last edited by gerdami on 30 Dec 2009 12:44
In my quest to "remove" the Account thingie, since it's way too hard to explain how to use it to someone who can barely navigate the main menus, I needed a way to let my users change their Passwords and Screen Names easily.
If you embed http access like this, you users are taken to a new window where they can change acct settings. Here's my example code:
**You can select a new Password by [* clicking here to go to the Wikidot "Account" page].** Near the top of that page, click on **Change Password** to change yours to something you can remember but is hard to guess.
which shows up like this:
You can select a new Password by clicking here to go to the Wikidot "Account" page. Near the top of that page, click on Change Password to change yours to something you can remember but is hard to guess.
Likewise, to let your user change their screen name or other profile stuff, I wrote this code snippet:
If you would like a different name, [* click here to go to the Wikidot "Profile" page]. Near the bottom of the page, you can change your screen name as desired, unless someone has already registered that screen name.
which looks like this:
If you would like a different name, click here to go to the Wikidot "Profile" page. Near the bottom of the page, you can change your screen name as desired, unless someone has already registered that screen name.
Now if I can just figure out how to add a Logout link, I can be done with the account thingie in the header bar……