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I would like to know how to play (embed) a local .mov file in a page. All references are for src that are in one of the video providers like youtube but not a local file. Thanks for any suggestions
Annie Z
you should use the [[file local*.mov]] tag - everyone who clicks on it - oprens it ( either kin the browser or after download ("save to target")!
The link to your uploaded local file you can find on the "files" command ( page options buttons at the bottom right of the page where you have attsched this file) and than click on "info"..
I position a link at the neighbourhood to a downlaodable version of aapple "quick time" - if someoine have noit a "player".
You can use the video player from the snippets:
where the VIDEO-URL is the long link on your info-screen of your local file…
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Danke sehr! great suggestions. Annie
Annie Z
Firstly, I don't think MOV files can be embedded using a flash player. I think they require a special QuickTime plugin for the browser.
You may also "link" your MOV file. I'm not sure what you mean be a local file (like intranet or on your computer - ie. the file:// protocol). You would be able to link to a video if it was hosted on an intranet site but not if the file is sitting on your computer through the file:// protocol.
Kenneth Tsang (@jxeeno)
Thanks! good to know
Annie Z
I converted the file from .mov to flash and all is good thanks again
Annie Z