
Tags: _syntax

"Div" stands for "division".

To improve the layout you can use [[div]] ... [[/div]] elements which transform to html @div> ... </div@ blocks.
Allowed attributes are: class and style. The difference is that with style you can put CSS instructions close to the text, but this is not a good idea, instead of putting CSS instructions within your custom theme, with class.

Div style

[[div style="float:left; width: 45%; padding: 0 2%"]]
left column left column left column left column left column
[[div style="float:left; width: 45%; padding: 0 2%"]]
right column right column right column right column right column


left column left column left column left column left column

right column right column right column right column right column

Div class

[[div class="two-columns"]]
left column left column left column left column left column
[[div class="two-columns"]]
right column right column right column right column right column


And within the custom CSS stylesheet:
.two-columns {
float:left; width: 45%; padding: 0 2%

left column left column left column left column left column

right column right column right column right column right column

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