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OK, How do I change the theme of a single page? The page I am trying to modify is this:
I want all _public pages to have the same design. Admin category has different theme, from practical reasons. Nobody sees this category except admins, but _public page will be seen by everyone. Therefore, I need this page with CSS as in the rest of the site.
I put in a page the following code:
But it does not work. It would be nice if this were explained here:
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
Your syntax is missing a small piece:
Should work, or get you closer. I use Gila for my admin category and when I tested your method I got a mix of Gila and my custom theme. You may have to track down other elements to change to get it perfect. Here's what I mean:
I'll have to add extra css code after the @import… in my css module to get rid of the red background in the header if I use this method.
Community Admin
Thanks, ED, it worked, but the result is horrible!!! Look:
I thought that CSS module overwrites CSS of the page… But is looks like it does not a complete job…
Is there any way to do it?
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
I just changed the custom theme for this category. I put plain Gila without side bar. Therefore, admin pages are different, and no css change affects them, but still, by adding CSS module into one of the admin pages, I get a perfect result — exactlz the same looks as the rest of a site…
Thanks, Ed!
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
No, it appends itself as the last style sheet in the cascade (as in Cascading Style Sheets).
For example, here is how the styles cascade for the #header on my admin:_public page:
Since Gila sets the background color of the #header to the dark red color and nothing in the cascade below that overrides that setting, the dark red color cascades all the way through and gives us the undesirable result you see on my page. This is not a problem on other pages that use my custom CSS since I'm only extending the base.css code and Gila is not in the mix for the rest of my site.
To fix this, I will have to change my [[module css]] block on my admin:_public page to look like this:
This pulls in my custom theme and then overrides the #header background color that was set by the Gila theme further up in the cascade.
Screenshot before applying the fix:
Screenshot after applying the fix:
Does this help clarify how CSS styles work?
Community Admin