
This is a short preview of every existing glossary page - if you want to know more then click on the title!
There is also a Test-Version of this page called Glossary:_start-1, which is showing the same titles but the short Preview only by Hoovering over the title

Category »» tags: category page private url view ««

A category (in a wiki often called namespace) is under normal circumstances known as the first part of the page name - the partial name before the colon (:) in the page name. You will see this page name in the adress bar as the last part of the URL. This is NOT PART of the page title!
A page name without such colon in its name belongs in to the "_default" category.

Url »» tags: address url ««

Uniform Resource Locator is the short generic name of all the web adresses we can use in the address bar.
Also Universal Resource Locator.

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