This is a short preview of every existing glossary page - if you want to know more then click on the title!
There is also a Test-Version of this page called Glossary:_start-1, which is showing the same titles but the short Preview only by Hoovering over the title
Address Bar »» tags: address ««
The address bar is the part of your browser where you type a web address ( or called URL) and hit ENTER to go to a website.
Category »» tags: category page private url view ««
A category (in a wiki often called namespace) is under normal circumstances known as the first part of the page name - the partial name before the colon (:) in the page name. You will see this page name in the adress bar as the last part of the URL. This is NOT PART of the page title!
A page name without such colon in its name belongs in to the "_default" category.
A database is a collection of data , readable ( if possible parallel) by users (visitors) and (sometimes) updateable. Possible on Wikidot - look at our Community-playground
Data_Forms »» tags: data_forms ««
Wikidot data forms make it possible to build simple applications into your wikidot sites. A normal wiki page holds unstructured text. A wiki page with a data form holds structured data ("fields"). Structured data is easier to edit, to understand, and to work with in many cases.
Educational Upgrade »» tags: education ««
Is the change of your free wiki to an also free , but "educational one" (for schools, universities, students , teachers) with better, practical, conditions. You will find it in the dashboard of your site manager ( page _admin ) of your free wiki. Be carefull - upgrade to a pro account can stop some conditions! See!
FAQ »» tags: ««
Frequently Asked Questions. Hopefully, also Frequently Answered Questions with the Wikidot Community.
Google Chrome »» tags: ««
Google Chrome is an open-source web browser developed by Google.
Hidden page »» tags: hidden pagename underscore ««
Any page with a unix name beginning with an underscore is a hidden page in a wikidot site.
History (page option) »» tags: history options ««
A '''Page history of changes''' shows the order in which changes were made to any editable page, the difference between any two versions, and a menu of check boxes for selecting change-types.
A Page history of changes" is sometimes called '''revision history''' or '''edit history'''. It is accessed by clicking the "History" button at the top or bottom of the page, a complete separate screen opens under the selected page and its "page option buttons".
IMO »» tags: ««
In My Opinion
IP Address »» tags: address ip ««
A user's IP address is a unique number that identifies the user's computer on the internet.
Michal Frackowiak is the owner and developer of wikidot. Michal's personal wiki is located here and his Wikidot profile is michal-frackowiak.
Overclouding »» tags: cloud tag ««
Tags are now a common and useful web2.0 feature. Do not overcloud !
Private Category »» tags: category private public ««
It is possible to make the content of pages of a specified category "private" and visible only to specified groups of visitors. In your _admin site manager page you will see a "View" row in the "Permissions" section . You will only see this for categories that are not the _default category.
You will need to create a landing page for visitors without the View permission. That landing page should be called category:_public.
RegEx »» tags: expression regular ««
Regular expression
Seo »» tags: search-engine ««
Search Engine Optimisation.
Soft Category »» tags: category private soft_category ««
In Wikidot, Soft Categories are built as in Wikipedia (or any MediaWiki) by using Links to existing "category" pages and by the use of backlinks technique (either of module module Backlinks or with ListPages module with link-to="." parameter) on such category pages.
Style »» tags: ««
The style attribute provides a common way to style all HTML elements.
User Interface. Current Wikidot User Interface is only available in English and Polish. The expected Wikidot 2.0 will have better "internationalization + language packs + a way to create translations online" See:
Uniform Resource Locator is the short generic name of all the web adresses we can use in the address bar.
Also Universal Resource Locator.
Visual Basic for Applications. A programming language used to customize Microsoft Office Applications.
VBA is used by this HowTo:import-simple-excel-tables-into-wikidot
Watching system over changes & Threads works with "notifications" on the "activity center" on your account and/or per e-mail - setup on Watching on a site , category - or page basis.
The web building software you've always dreamed of.
The first wiki, known as WikiWikiWeb, was created by Ward Cunningham in the mid-90s.
Wtf »» tags: ««
World Taekwondo Federation
YAML »» tags: ««
YAML Ain't Markup Language
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