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Files can be uploaded to any wikidot page.
Table of Contents
Uploading Files
Files are uploaded to individual pages and considered "attached" to that page. There are two file uploaders. The default uploader uploads one file at a time and allows you to rename and add a description to the file. The experimental Adobe Flash uploader allows you to upload multiple files at a time without letting the user rename or describe any of the files.
Once a file has been uploaded it will be added to the list of files. To access this list, click the 'Files' button at the bottom of the page. You will see a list of attached files along with an 'Info' button and an 'Options button next to each name. The 'Info' button allows you to view the current information of the file. The 'Options' button allows you to either rename, delete, or move the file.
To upload a file using the default uploader:
- Click on the files button at the bottom of the page.
- Click 'Upload a file from your computer'.
- Click 'Browse' and then select a file.
- You may now rename the file and write a description of it if you wish.
- Click 'Upload' and you should see a completion bar.
Files that have been uploaded by the Adobe Flash uploader may be renamed after they are uploaded by clicking on 'Options' and then 'Rename' next to the file's name in the file list.
To view an example of some uploaded files, have a look on our forum-screenshots.
A note on naming images: It is easiest to either leave out spaces and punctuation in the image name or to place a dash between each word. This keeps the name from becoming cluttered with '%20' inserts where you placed a space. These are automatically added when a space is detected to allow the file to be placed in the server's filesystem properly.
For images, use the 'insert image' button or the 'insert image wizard' button on the toolbar while editing the page. You may either upload them to the page as a file from your computer, or use a link to an external site (E.g., Flickr).
If you wish to upload them from your computer (attach them), use the "files" button to attach it, and then put it into the page using the 'insert image' button.
(It will use your storage space on
If you wish to upload them from an external site, use the insert picture wizard.
To insert an image manually, use this syntax: [[image Your-image's-name]]. You can modify this to produce specific results.
To modify the position of the image:
To place it in no position, do not add any extra syntax.
Put '=' immediately after the first brackets (before the word, 'image') to place the image in the center.
Put '<' immediately after the first brackets (before the word, 'image') to place the image in the right side.
Put '>' immediately after the first brackets (before the word, 'image') to place the image in the left side.
Put 'f<' immediately after the first brackets (before the word, 'image') to place the image on the left side with text wrapping (float).
Put 'f>' immediately after the first brackets (before the word, 'image') to place the image on the right side with text wrapping (float).
To modify the size of the image:
To leave it in it's original size, do not add any extra syntax.
To set the size as square (75 x 75), add size="square" after the image name.
To set the size as thumbnail (100 on longest side), add size="thumbnail" after the image name.
To set the size as small (240 on longest side), add size="small" after the image name.
To set the size as medium (500 on longest side), add size="medium" after the image name.
Links: (images with capture and info text)
or (more advanced):
Image Gallery
You can insert many sequential imags into a gallery using the gallery module. The syntax looks like:
[[gallery size="image-size"]]
... (etc)
If you just wish to gallery all the pictures on the page, you can use:
You normally would be able to change the size and order of the parameters in the image code, however, it does not seem to work currently. You can see the Wiki Syntax for more details.
Image Caption using CSS
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