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Posted by David Morgan on 16 Jun 2009 18:20, last edited on 16 Jun 2009 18:20
Ok, As a College Professor I should be able to do this but apparently this is beyond me. I've used other simpler Wiki's and they took minutes. Obviously your site is more advanced but I'm trying to introduce my students to the concept of using Virtual documents like Wiki's and can't spend hours trying to figure it out myself. After several hours last night and several today, I still can't even edit the main headings on the top menu bar. All I wanted was a simple page allowing the students to write their papers in a virtual doc, not to frustrate them. Moving on….
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Have you red our help pages and howto's ?
and so on…
You can create a page and write here - why not on your own wiki?
Could be I cannot imagine the learnig curve is soo hard ….
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As he posted his comments in the guestbook he might not be aware of the forum so I have PMd him with the address.
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.