Private Category

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Private Category


It is possible to make the content of pages of a specified category "private" and visible only to specified groups of visitors. In your _admin site manager page you will see a "View" row in the "Permissions" section . You will only see this for categories that are not the _default category.

You will need to create a landing page for visitors without the View permission. That landing page should be called category:_public.

You can restrict the view permission to the following groups of visitors to the site:

  • anonymous
  • Wikidot members ( logged in)
  • Members of the wiki alone
  • Admins and mods have always the permission to view all…

The category:_public page (note the underscore at the beginning) is a hidden page that is displayed only if an unauthorized visitor tries to view a page in the private category.

You can add your own text to the category:_public page landing page explaining to visitors why they cannot view that page, for example

Reserved content

This area of the website is available to users with specific permission. If you'd like to access this area please contact site administrators.

If you do have necessary permissions but still see this page it is likely that you are not signed in. Please sign in first.

See also

Other relevant (glossary)information about categories: (Category) (Soft Category)

in our Handbook - the "site manager permissions" page:

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