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IE | IMO»» |
IE is an acronym for Microsoft Internet Explorer, which is a web browser.
IE is an acronym for Microsoft Internet Explorer, a web browser that comes bundled with all versions of the Windows operating system (except a small subsection of Windows 7 OS releases in Europe, for legal reasons).
Internet Explorer 6 is likely to cause problems loading some Wikidot sites, especially those that use recently-defined HTML or CSS elements (e.g. HTML5 or CSS3).
Internet Explorer 7 and Internet Explorer 8 also may have some problems loading Wikidot sites, but they are generally much more reliable than IE6.
You can download the latest version of the Internet Explorer browser from the Microsoft website.
Note: An alternative web browser Mozilla Firefox seems to be preferred by the Wikidot Community. Other offerings such as Google Chrome are also very popular and support most HTML5 and CSS3 elements.
Bottom line: IE is small and unstable application that is only useful to download Firefox. :-)