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History (page option) | IE»» |
A '''Page history of changes''' shows the order in which changes were made to any editable page, the difference between any two versions, and a menu of check boxes for selecting change-types.
A Page history of changes" is sometimes called '''revision history''' or '''edit history'''. It is accessed by clicking the "History" button at the top or bottom of the page, a complete separate screen opens under the selected page and its "page option buttons".
A '''page history''' shows the order in which changes were made to any editable page, the difference between any two versions, and a menu of check boxes for selecting only changes like Show page changes:
- ALL ( default)
- source changes
- title changes
- page name changes
- tags changes
- metadata changes
- files changes
- Revisions per page: ( number of lines per page).
A Page history of changes" is sometimes called '''revision history''' or '''edit history'''. It is accessed by clicking the "History" button at the top or bottom of the page, a complete separate screen opens under the selected page and its "page option buttons".
If you click on the "History" button at the bottom of thi page you will see the starting revision number 0 ( zero) of the 2. April 2015 with the flag "N" and my author-id ( and no comment sorry for that).
And later the changes are made to this page with tags ( "A" ) or source changes "S" )
Using a history screen:
On a history screen:
- All past changes to the page in question are listed in reverse-chronological order.
- To view a specific version, click on the "V".
- To compare:
- an old version with the current version, go to the old version, click 'on the button left button to select the old revision for compare, the newest is clicked on the right b utton by default'.
- two specific versions, click the left-column radio button of the older version and the right-column radio button of the newer version,
- and then click the "Compare versions" button:
- there will be shown in an extra source window a merge fo the 2 sources with the missing/new/changed test "underlined"
- to view only the "Source" of such a revision number - click on the "S".
- To undo (revert) your own or someone else's last edit, click on the "R" button of the selected revision.
- you create a ne revision of this page with a new entry in the history and the old content of the selected revision.
Edits are shown from newest to oldest.
Right from the selection radio buttons you will see for every revision:
- little flags noticing which changes are made ( New, Source only, Tags a.s.o)
- The 3 buttons "V", "S", "R" ( View, Show Source, Revert)
- the author of the change (user-id - link)
- the date of change
- and a little comment from the edit window
Old revision version can be seen by clicking on the "V" of the revision line… but this is not trrue in case of used files or "includes of other pages" : because the images of the od version ( their" files") can be today changed , deleted, renamed or removed and the same situation can happen with included other pages - their version can be chaned in the meantime.
Thanks to "wikipedia" - "history help" page - the content of history in Wikidot is a little be different to wikipedia, but the sense and need is the same.
Never forget that - as long as the page exist - there is nothing lost of the source!