When you look at the forum it no longer shows the thread, but instead tries to create a new page.
However, in the recent posts all the information is available.
When you look at the forum it no longer shows the thread, but instead tries to create a new page.
However, in the recent posts all the information is available.
I have fixed this. You have (for unknown reason?) removed the page forum:thread (i.e. renamed it to deleted:forum:thread). This page is essential if you want to have a working forum.
I have renamed it back so it works fine now ;-)
BTW: I wish I had some time to play WoW too ;-)
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
Visit my blog at michalf.me
I think I have done the same thing!!!
Forum Category R 15 Oct 2006 - 17:29:38 (rev. 1)
Page name changed: "forum:category" to "deleted:forum:category".
I was renaming/moving a category into the "Hidden Group" and it occurred just after that was saved.
(Ok, I am trying to weez myself out of appearing to be a complete idiot!)
Thanks for a great WIKIDOT service though…
Well, I know a few more people that accidentally moved/deleted their "forum:…" pages. Perhaps I should lock them by default or sth similar…
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
Visit my blog at michalf.me
Sorry, but please don't lock them. Maybe it would help if the WikiDot Documentation would include some explanations about the modules [[module ForumStart]], [[module ForumCategory]], [[module ForumThread]] and their interaction with pages …
I deleted my forum:thread page by accident, how do I recreate it? I thought I was deleting the thread but in actuality it was deleting the page.
Create a new page with the page name forum:thread and a page title e.g. "Forum Thread". The content of this page must contain this line:
[[module ForumThread]]
Currently, it isn't possible to delete a thread and that's why users accidentally delete this page which is essential for a working forum. It happened on my wiki site too.
I think I've broken mine, too. I went through what I think were all the tutorial steps, but I can't seem to get any forum pages to show up at my wiki, restoration.wikidot.com.
I keep getting messages saying the pages don't exist.
Thanks for any help…I really like wikidot, very anxious to get it up and running.
I have fixed your forum. I do not know how this happened but the pages responsible for displaying forum were not completely created. I think I will write a small howto describing the layout of forum modules…
Anyway, it should work now!
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
Visit my blog at michalf.me
Cool, thanks. That was fast! I probably deleted the pages… :(
It's working now!
Please help, I've managed to delete my forum:thread page too! I've tried fixing it, but have only been able to further prove my complete lack of computer skills.
While trying to delete a contribution from a member I seem to have messed up the forum system. Specifically forum:recent-posts comes up empty although the articles are still in the admin section. I have tried recreating a page forum:thread with [[module ForumThread]] in it but this comes up with "invalid thread". Is there a way to fix this?
I added a section about this here.
The "invalid thread" message is correct, because you need an actual forum link to resolve what thread shall be displayed. Follow the links in the forum hierarchy and everything works fine.
Thanks for the pointer. Things are now back to normal after reading about the forum modules and checking them in turn to make sure that they had the right bit of code included.
I've deleted the New Forum Threads page and I tried to create a new page with the following but it is not working now….any ideas?
[[module ForumNewThread]]