I'd like to have a little script or something similiar that I can insert into a box in a table that will display how man days old the wiki is. Does anyone have any experience with something like this?
As [[module FrontForum … doesn't seem to work in a Forum post, you need to
go to How Many Days Does Your Wiki Exist to see this idea working
What you need, is a Forum thread or a Per Page Discussion thread (that has at least one post), that has been created around the time your wiki has been created. Then you can display the number of days since the thread creation with the following code:
[[module FrontForum category="..." limit="1" offset="..."]]
This wiki is %%date|%O old.%%
Change the values for category and offset to point to the earliest thread in your wiki's forum.
Smart !
Any ideas how one could insert a text like “10 days left until ..”, with the number counting down each day?
google gadget?
To be honest, I was hoping for something less “fancy”.
Like, text only, and no ads.
(Sorry, duplicate post.)
there is a text only gadget… but you cant get rid of the google bits (I've tried)
I think its a case of a gadget… or nothing. :-(
I just figured something out with the ListPages module. Here's my code.
[[module ListPages rssEmbed="false" rssShow="false" limit="1" separate="false" order="dateCreatedAsc" category="*"]]
This site is %%date|%O%% old.
It finds the single oldest page and tells how old it is. Since the original pages of a wiki are all created at the same time, this works even if the oldest page is deleted; it just finds the next oldest, which isn't really older at all.
Note: You aren't able to see the date when previewing it, but only when the changes are saved.
I've updated Community How-To How Many Days Does Your Wiki Exist accordingly.
Uh doesn't work. I'm a free user on free site.
Ramon Brown
I do not believe that the ListPages module is reserved for pro accounts !
This should work as the howto says ( notice the changed "order " and "date"- parameter!:
[[module ListPages limit="1" separate="false" order="created_at" categories="admin"]]
This wiki is %%created_at|%O old.%%
This should work - as it does on http://community.wikidot.com/howto:how-many-days-does-your-wiki-exist
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