So, my understanding is that this is working as designed. To clarify incase someone new peeks into this thread:
The per-page discussion feature of a wiki — which can be turned on under the forum section — currently assigns each page a thread in a hidden forum on your wiki. Each per-page thread is then used as the source for the Comments module when placed upon a page. However, if you leave out the comments module from a page, the per-page discussions can still be accessed by the "Discuss" button on the bottom of every page.
This seems to work great. This gives each user the option of having a forum listed on each page, or you can leave that off and use the "Discuss" button on each page for "talk" pages a la wikipedia.
However, when using other modules, such as the MiniRecentPosts module, the usage becomes much more strict. This module (and likely others that list forum pages), assume that the wiki user has setup a comments module on each page and links to each post that way. This is a great system for those who wish to use the comments module on each page, but if the user has failed to do this, or if they are un-aware of this behavior, then the link created from MiniRecentPosts will simply take users to the physical page, not the discussion forum.
As noted above, this is by design, but I feel that its flawed. By giving each user the "Discuss" button on each page and allowing per-page discussion without necessitating the comments module — as it currently works — you are misleading the user into breaking his/her own wiki and establishing another option for its use that is not fully supported.
I'm of the belief that giving the user more options/tools is always a good idea, but only when you provide them with the knowledge of how to use them. So, my position is that you leave both options available, but correctly link to the per-page posts when no comments module is used.
This can be done a number of ways.
- I'm sure there is some php/cfm/etc. magic that can utilize wikidots current framework to simply verify if the page is using the comments module.
- You can allow for more configuration on the back end. Such as, configuring the site for per-page comments module or a individual thread for each page. This is similar in theory to how it works now and would likely be an easy transition for most users.
- Or.. You can provide additional options in the MiniRecentPosts and RecentPosts modules to "correct" links to per-page discussion. This may be a good solution that can satisfy everyone.
So, I don't know the solution precisely, but it feels like a bug to me and I feel like we should work to fix it.
Thanks for everyones help.. I posted here at the suggestion of those that went to
If I should repost or move this to another thread, or if it should in-fact be on the bug tracker page, please let me know and I will take care of it.
Thanks again,