i am definitely a new be to this blogging. i was making some progress, but when i try to look up my recent activity, all i get is a repetitive cycle so i am blocked in getting in. how can i clear the cycle? please help me!
Not sure what you mean. Can you please do as the big red text asked when you created the thread, and post a link to your site? :)
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
What do you mean by a "loop"? Does the page not load when you click a link? Are you having trouble with the page not updating when you click any link in the side menu?
- Profile
- Member of
- Moderator of
- Admin of
- Recent contributions
- Recent posts/comments
I click Recent contributions on your profile page and I see one page listed: your user profile page (that you haven't edited yet).
I click the Recent posts/comments and I see the 3 posts for help that you have put in this (the community) forum ("please help", "caught in a cycle", and "Re: please help").
When you say you "try to access any of my entries" what are you referring to? Trying to click a link in the side menu or a linked title of one of your post/contributions?
You really need to try to be more specific. We're trying to help!
Okay, can you try to explain to us exactly what you do, and where the problem occurs?
So, start by telling us which page you log in from, then tell us what the link is called that you clicked on after logging in. Go through everything that you do right up to the point where it keeps "looping".
If we can understand what page you're talking about, we might be able to help ;-)
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
i do appreciate your response to my problem! let me try to explain the process that i go through in detail:
i log in, go into my account, recent activity, than recent contributioons, at this point all the individual step that i have done on my site appear; when i click on any of the individual steps then the loading of the step seems to be caught in a loop. starts then restarts, like it is looking for something, but does not recognize? i am not sure of the terminology, sorry about that!
prior to this looping i was able to place some tags on pages, do some editing, and add new pages, but now i am blocked due to this looping.
i log in, go into my account, recent activity, than recent contributions,
Why do you go to your site and pages by this curious route? Why don't you just go to your site http://her.wikidot.com/, log in if you have to and then go to the Edit button at the bottom of each page?
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.
It sounds like you're having trouble accessing a private site because of the wdfiles domain causing problems with your browser. How it works, I'm not sure, all I know is that you need to log in at a public site first.
- Try starting at this page: http://www.wikidot.com and clicking on "log in" from that page, then enter your details.
- Then, open a new tab. This can usually be done by pressing Ctrl+T on your keyboard, or clicking a + sign at the top of the browser window. Make sure you leave the one you logged in to still open and still on the public www.wikidot.com site.
- On the new tab, do what you usually do after you've logged in and hopefully there will be no looping any more.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
Are you sure you edited and added some tags at YOUR site, http://her.wikidot.com/? Because, as Ed said, there is only your user page in the list of your recent contributions… What is exactly that you see under your Recent contributions, and which link exactly you click that gives you that "looping"?
Besides, it seems that your site is private, therefore, you must be logged in in order to access your site…
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney