I and a few other users are in the process of transferring a bunch of pages over to a new live template, and a couple of issues have cropped up.
The template is http://string-theory.wikidot.com/char:_template. It works fine. Most pages work fine.
One problem seems to have cropped up with http://string-theory.wikidot.com/char:colette. There are two iftags blocks in the template code with identical criteria (the 'Evolved' tag); one of them is working right (it shows the 'Ability: Photokinesis' field inside the first tab), but the second one is not (it's failing to show the additional 'Evolved Ability' tab). However, both work as expected for other Evolved character pages (e.g. http://string-theory.wikidot.com/char:eileen).
Another is that http://string-theory.wikidot.com/char:tamara displayed fine five days ago when I 'ported it over… but now it shows a blank page. The source code is all still there and I can't see any problems with it, but nothing is showing. Nothing has been changed on the page itself since it last worked (except for this morning's reversion to a prior source, which helped nothing), and while the template has been edited since, everyone else's pages are displaying fine, so I'm at a complete loss.