Not sure where else I would put this, but there are several grammar errors/questionable wording on the explore features page for Since this is a page that is going to be looked at by many people who are considering using wikidot, it is important to make sure all grammar and spelling are correct, or risk giving bad impressions. As you can see below, there are quite a few problems.
Rather than always using the present progressive tense ("We are providing professional… sites for everyone"; "We're hosting your sites…"; to name a few) change it to a more active tense ("We provide…", "We host…", etc.).
In the Safety section, "And it looks that we are pretty good at it." -> "And it looks like…"
Hosting section: present progressive, see above. Also "I doesn't bother" -> "We don't mind"; "We would be even very happy if your site will become so popular"->"We would even be very happy if your site became…"
Control over ads: "unlogged Wikidot users" -> "Wikidot users not logged in"
Powerful Wiki Syntax and Engine: "Our engine is built not only to handle simple sites, but whole portals" -> not only… but also…; "Wikidot It also allows to embed…" -> "It also allows embedding of…"
Gravatar Integration: "You can see user's avatar and name" -> "… a user's…"; "…and logged in to Wikidot. Of course if the user has configured his Gravatar account" -> "…Wikidot, but of course only if the user has configured a Gravatar account"
Karma: "It looks like a battery charge indicator :)" -> "…indicator."; "It starts highlighting bar…" -> "It has a highlighted bar…"; "The highest karma level (red) indicated that user" -> "…indicates that a user…"; "You can disable karma indicator" -> "…disable the karma indicator"; "… on your Site (if you will set "no" — all users on your site…" -> "… on your site (if you set "no", every user…"
Private Messages: uncapitalize (decapitalize?) "Users" and "User"; "send him messages." -> "send him/her messages" for gender equality, or use "them"
Easy Navigation…: "will make" -> "can make", don't assume
Tags: "assign tags for every page" -> "assign tags to each page"
Roles and Permissions: "within your pages" -> "on each page"; "Open your Site totally by allowing anonymous edits or keep number of your editors under control" -> "Open your site completely…or keep the number of editors…"
Membership…: "You can also allow Users to join your Sites" decapitalize/uncapitalize
Themes: "each of categories" -> "each of the categories"
License of your Content: "for the content" -> "for your content"
Backups: "source for all the pages and attached files" -> "source files for each page and all the attached files"
Advanced Web Statistics: "Web statistics allow to monitor and analyze the activity on your page, including such detailed information like: what web browser are using your visitors or how much time they spend on each site average." -> "Web statistics allow you to monitor… including detailed information like what web browser your visitors are using or… site on average"
Favicons: "Favicon is an icon of the site which can be seen in the title bar of your Web Browser. Very nice thing :)" -> "A favicon is… your web browser." Remove the last sentence, unnecessary and detracts from professional appearance
Editing <META>: "or separately for every page" -> "each page"
Cloning Site -> Cloning Sites: "…your Site. It means that all your site is copied to the other address" -> "…your site. It means that all of your site is copied to another address you specify"
Controlling Outgoing Pingbacks: "how the pingbacks will behave on your Site" -> "how pingbacks behave on your site"
Did you know?: "most-popular"->"most popular"; "visitors per year" -> "visitors each year"
There may be more problems, but I think these ones at least should be fixed.

Fire Emblem for TI 83/4+ Progress: Demo: 75% Total: 40% Postponed indefinitely