I have an RSS feed containing a fairly large number of bits of information, too much to comfortably fit on the screen.
I've got the Feed module set up to show a subset of the fields in a list, which is working well. However, I would like to be able to allow some form of "drill-down" so that you can click on an individual entry in the feed and display the whole entry in an expanded form.
Things I have tried so far:
a) I've looked at collapsible blocks, but they don't function within the feed module block.
b) I've looked at specifying the FEED module parameters within a URL, and calling a sub-page for expanded details, but you cannot currently specify "src" parameter for the feed within a URL.
c) I've set up a page template for details, with variables, but there doesn't seem to be a way to pass variables through from the calling page.
Any suggestions on how I can call an RSS feed or generate a new page on-the-fly in this manner?