Vorrei capire come fare a creare su wikidot un template come quello di wikipedia:
Grazie mille in anticipo!
Vorrei capire come fare a creare su wikidot un template come quello di wikipedia:
Grazie mille in anticipo!
Vorrei sapere anche se è possibile creare una mappa interattiva come qui:
Questo è possibile nell' framing with HTML. Dai all'immagine dei rettangoli sopra i "campi" interessanti e l'URL per collegarti alla pagina corretta.
20 anni fa l'ho realizzato per una presentazione … Ho solo ora il problema di trovarlo.
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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Ho trovato html commands per definiere areas
area :
in tuo essampio ( ) questi html commandi sono usato:
(importante e usemap="#ImageMap_1_277166699" width="650" height="463"> in img Tag ( Image )
correspondo <div style="height: 463px; width: 650px; ">
<map name="ImageMap_1_277166699"> !
[[html]] <div style="height: 463px; width: 650px; "> <map name="ImageMap_1_277166699"> <area href="/wiki/Brecilian_Forest" shape="poly" coords="488,276,461,276,461,304,487,304,487,297,489,297,489,276" alt="Brecilian Forest" title="Brecilian Forest"> <area href="/wiki/East_Brecilian_Forest" shape="poly" coords="505,315,487,315,487,297,505,297,505,315" alt="East Brecilian Forest" title="East Brecilian Forest"> <area href="/wiki/Party_Camp" shape="rect" coords="570,36,599,65" alt="Party Camp" title="Party Camp"> <area href="/wiki/Soldier%27s_Peak" shape="rect" coords="354,52,383,81" alt="Soldier's Peak (DLC only)" title="Soldier's Peak (DLC only)"> <area href="/wiki/Denerim" shape="rect" coords="432,104,462,132" alt="Denerim" title="Denerim"><area href="/wiki/Arl_of_Redcliffe%27s_Estate" shape="rect" coords="471,101,489,119" alt="Arl of Redcliffe's Estate" title="Arl of Redcliffe's Estate"> <area href="/wiki/The_Pearl" shape="rect" coords="466,123,484,142" alt="The Pearl" title="The Pearl"> <area href="/wiki/Elven_Alienage" shape="rect" coords="450,73,468,91" alt="Denerim Alienage" title="Denerim Alienage"> <area href="/wiki/Fort_Drakon" shape="rect" coords="425,83,443,101" alt="Fort Drakon" title="Fort Drakon"><area href="/wiki/Frostback_Mountain_Pass" shape="rect" coords="55,148,84,176" alt="Frostback Mountains" title="Frostback Mountains"> <area href="/wiki/Orzammar" shape="rect" coords="48,179,76,208" alt="Orzammar" title="Orzammar"> <area href="/wiki/Lake_Calenhad_Docks" shape="rect" coords="167,185,195,213" alt="Lake Calenhad Docks" title="Lake Calenhad Docks"> <area href="/wiki/Circle_Tower" shape="rect" coords="138,175,166,203" alt="Circle Tower" title="Circle Tower"> <area href="/wiki/Redcliffe_Castle" shape="rect" coords="138,272,166,300" alt="Redcliffe Castle" title="Redcliffe Castle"> <area href="/wiki/Redcliffe_Village" shape="rect" coords="130,311,158,340" alt="Redcliffe Village" title="Redcliffe Village"> <area href="/wiki/Lothering" shape="rect" coords="279,242,308,270" alt="Lothering" title="Lothering"><area href="/wiki/Brecilian_Outskirts" shape="rect" coords="372,248,400,276" alt="Brecilian Outskirts" title="Brecilian Outskirts"> <area href="/wiki/Flemeth%27s_Hut" shape="rect" coords="291,392,318,418" alt="Flemeth's Hut" title="Flemeth's Hut"> <area href="/wiki/Ostagar" shape="rect" coords="272,388,290,406" alt="Ostagar" title="Ostagar"> <area href="/wiki/Village_of_Haven" shape="rect" coords="41,273,69,301" alt="Village of Haven" title="Village of Haven"> <area href="/wiki/Honnleath" shape="rect" coords="116,386,144,414" alt="Honnleath (DLC only)" title="Honnleath (DLC only)"> <area href="/wiki/Redcliffe_Dungeons" shape="rect" coords="147,342,165,360" alt="Redcliffe Dungeons" title="Redcliffe Dungeons"> <area href="/wiki/Korcari_Wilds" shape="rect" coords="318,389,334,406" alt="Korcari Wilds" title="Korcari Wilds"> <area href="/wiki/Kadan-Fe_Hideout" shape="rect" coords="419,172,448,201" alt="Kadan-Fe Hideout" title="Kadan-Fe Hideout"> <area href="/wiki/Ruined_Temple" shape="rect" coords="34,354,62,382" alt="Ruined Temple" title="Ruined Temple"> <area href="/wiki/Mountain_Top" shape="rect" coords="62,356,80,375" alt="The Dragon's Lair" title="The Dragon's Lair"> <area href="/wiki/Ortan_Thaig" shape="rect" coords="37,150,55,168" alt="Ortan Thaig" title="Ortan Thaig"> <area href="/wiki/Caridin%27s_Cross" shape="rect" coords="37,133,55,150" alt="Caridin's Cross" title="Caridin's Cross"> <area href="/wiki/Orlais" shape="rect" coords="8,130,35,172" alt="Orlais" title="Orlais"><area href="/wiki/Aeducan_Thaig" shape="rect" coords="58,126,76,144" alt="Aeducan Thaig" title="Aeducan Thaig"> <area href="/wiki/Dead_Trenches" shape="rect" coords="85,140,103,159" alt="The Dead Trenches" title="The Dead Trenches"> <area href="/wiki/Civil_War_(location)" shape="rect" coords="250,144,279,172" alt="Civil War" title="Civil War"> <area href="/wiki/Battlefield" shape="rect" coords="311,124,340,153" alt="Battlefield" title="Battlefield"> <area href="/wiki/Refugees" shape="rect" coords="318,196,347,224" alt="Refugees" title="Refugees"> <area href="/wiki/Caravan" shape="rect" coords="340,276,369,305" alt="Caravan" title="Caravan"> <area href="/wiki/Dalish_Camp" shape="rect" coords="394,224,413,243" alt="Dalish Camp" title="Dalish Camp"> <area href="/wiki/West_Brecilian_Forest" shape="rect" coords="446,258,463,275" alt="West Brecilian Forest" title="West Brecilian Forest"> <area href="/wiki/Werewolf_Lair" shape="rect" coords="553,290,571,308" alt="Werewolf Lair" title="Werewolf Lair"> <area href="/wiki/Ruins_Upper_Level" shape="rect" coords="571,238,589,257" alt="The Elven Tombs" title="The Elven Tombs"> <area href="/wiki/Brecilian_Ruins" shape="rect" coords="564,261,592,289" alt="Brecilian Ruins" title="Brecilian Ruins"> <area href="/wiki/Royal_Palace" shape="rect" coords="468,83,485,101" alt="Denerim Palace" title="Denerim Palace"> </map> <img src="" alt="Map - World" class="thumbimage lzyPlcHld lzyTrns lzyLoaded" data-image-key="Map_-_World.jpg" data-image-name="Map - World.jpg" data-src="" onload="if(typeof ImgLzy==='object'){ImgLzy.load(this)}" usemap="#ImageMap_1_277166699" width="650" height="463"> <div style="margin-left: 630px; margin-top: -20px; text-align: left;"> <a href="/wiki/File:Map_-_World.jpg" title="About this image"> <img alt="About this image" src="/extensions/ImageMap/desc-20.png" style="border: none;"> </a></div></div> [[/html]]
Modifica: [[html]] --- [[/html]] in codice !
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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Grazie molte, ma ho provato a copiare e incollare questo codice ma non appare nulla.
Scusi, questo codice ora é finito - provevo in per creare un html-finistra con questo mapa.
Guida il codice !
Problema con !"shapes" e "area" é il coordinati x1/y1 - x2/y2 - per trovarlo positione in mapa…
Io uso wink ( ) per trovare essatamente questi coordinati …
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
Sie können fragen und mitwirken in der deutschsprachigen » User-Gemeinschaft für WikidotNutzer oder
im deutschen » Wikidot Handbuch ?
Ho modificato
<area href="/Flemeth%27s_Hut" target="_parent" shape="rect" coords="291,392,318,418" alt="Flemeth's Hut" title="Flemeth's Hut">
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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Grazie mille! Il problema è che, cliccando sulle immagini, invece di portare alla pagina corrispondente, si apre un'altra finestra minore. Cosa bisogna fare?
Ho cambiato questa html-codice in tua pagina: )
Essempio: con "Denerim" ( nuovo pagina, non existe)
<area href="/wiki/Denerim" shape="rect" coords="432,104,462,132" alt="Denerim" title="Denerim">
<area href="/Denerim" shape="rect" target="_parent" coords="432,104,462,132" alt="Denerim" title="Denerim">
con questa modifica targeto é apra in lostesso finestra !( target="_blank" : nuovo finestra / tabulatore)
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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questo informativa pagina dice:
<area target="_blank|_self|_parent|_top|framename">
Value | Description |
_blank | Opens the linked document in a new window or tab |
_self | Opens the linked document in the same frame as it was clicked |
_parent | Opens the linked document in the parent frame |
_top | Opens the linked document in the full body of the window |
framename | Opens the linked document in a named frame |
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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im deutschen » Wikidot Handbuch ?
Funziona! Grazie molte! Un'ultima cosa: come si fa a creare un template come questo: su wikidot?
The easeast way - piú simplice é:
This is the easiest way to insert on any point in the source the Note !
Questo è il modo più semplice per inserire in qualsiasi punto della sorgente la Nota!
Non functiona in forum!
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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Grazie! Ma è possibile personalizzarlo tipo cambiando colore o aggiungendo un'immagine?
Siamo di nuove all "ìnclude" da un pagina con variabili ( titolo, testo, colore, imagine )..
##blue|predefined## or ##44FF88|custom-code## color predefined or custom-code color
(vedi )
puoi creare un pagina "include:include-notizia" usando variabili "titolo" , testo , imagine…..
con commando [[note]] .... [[/note]] ( o simple senza questo wikidot commando,)
per postare come "note" con tua testo on pagina
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
Sie können fragen und mitwirken in der deutschsprachigen » User-Gemeinschaft für WikidotNutzer oder
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Fatto bene!
Ho visto tua ultmo lavoro:
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
Sie können fragen und mitwirken in der deutschsprachigen » User-Gemeinschaft für WikidotNutzer oder
im deutschen » Wikidot Handbuch ?
Si, puoi! Anche questa cosa sulla mappa, ma se non sai come creare queste cose o la programmazione CSS, devi trovare un programmatore/designer CSS che sappia usare i comandi Wikidot.
Batch, VBScript, MS-DOS, Pascal, C, C++, File / Folder Customization, HTA + HTML + CSS, JavaScript, Wikidot and ATLAS Copco Elektronikon PLC Programer
- Web site: Maximum Tension
Ho scritto (have written)
e (and)
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
Sie können fragen und mitwirken in der deutschsprachigen » User-Gemeinschaft für WikidotNutzer oder
im deutschen » Wikidot Handbuch ?