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Very funny. I made this site last year for our West African dance group. The music is in fact our group of drummers and dancers, and I'm one of the drummers.
there is more than one drummer then! :-)
Excuse me, but I don't understand. The site has only a front page? Besides, there's nothing in the Contact, the only visible link to some other content…
I like the music, but I don't get where is the catch of this site, since I suppose that it is not under construction providing it is suggested for featured site…
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
Be careful, give it some update or it will be claimed at …
If someone actually wants it… :-)
This site shouldn't be a featured site since it's an experimental concept, not a living site. The idea was to redefine "this is an African dance class" into "this is a place where people learn other cultures and how to better integrate".
I added a contact form but the site remains a concept and IMO is worthy only because it uses that incredible theme, and has some music on the front page.
I liked it, I featured it.
Now, as the owner you can request to unfeature it. But don't.
You added the contact form on the main page and not on the contact page…. it is okay, but there should be now any sentecne why someone should enter his data in the form…
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Now that you're an admin, I count on you for giving some activity within this section. Thank you.
On the section of Featured sites?
I don't know what possibly I could do here… I already gave some suggestions in Forum… Maybe if you instructed me on what is expected would help…?
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
I like the simplicity of that — the website as a business card. Two things would make it complete, IMO: a contact page with real contact info (as Brunhilda points out), and an explanation of what the group is, who are its members, etc. (in addition to the philosophical statement in the front page).
Eduardo R. Ribeiro
In my opinion - the featured sites a re collected , because they have some impressive features used… and not the completeness of the content is asked here.
I think, this site is OK here.
If someone knows another one - please use the bottom right button "Add featured" and follow inside-template-instructions.
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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