Howto 2009

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This is the CSS coding that this page uses to create boxes with rounded corners, and to make the headings and URLs darker:

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#page-content .howto-rounded-corners h2, #page-content .howto-rounded-corners a {color: #33C;}

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CSS: import and use different fonts (rating: 22)
Password Protect a Page (rating: 21)
Boxes with Shadows (rating: 12)
Inline Hover Tips (rating: 10)
Put Pictures With Footnotes In The Text Using Divs (rating: 10)
Use Anchors on a page (rating: 9)
Wikidot Include Techniques (rating: 8)
Autonumber headings and ordered lists (rating: 8)
How to make MouseOver-Popup (rating: 8)
Text Shadows (rating: 8)
Replace bullets of a list by pdf icons (rating: 7)
Autoparenting (rating: 7)
Getting Started Guide (rating: 6)
How To Add Private Pages On A Wiki The Easy Way (rating: 6)
Add a "Hidden" Menu to nav:top (rating: 6)
Disable Hidden Forum (rating: 6)
Making a Custom Table with ListPages (rating: 5)
Use Hash Magic Urls for option buttons (rating: 4)
Button Links (rating: 4)
Put Youtube video with footnotes in text (rating: 4)
Forums: Creating a Sticky Thread (rating: 4)
Chart with ListPages (rating: 4)
Multiple columns for footnotes (rating: 4)
TabView Colours (rating: 4)
Embed Twitter (rating: 4)
Redirect a complete category (rating: 4)
How To Put a Private Page On a Public Wiki-typ1 (rating: 4)
How To Use The Dollar Codestring (rating: 3)
Using variables as the conditions for (in)visible content (rating: 3)
Using Wikidot's Search (rating: 3)
Sortable-Tables-Js (rating: 3)
Hide the Admin menu (rating: 3)
Override Inline Styles With CSS (rating: 3)
Google Maps - different methods (rating: 3)
Change the title in TOC (rating: 3)
Embed a Live IRC Chat (rating: 3)
Embed Animoto (rating: 3)
Create Protected Page Tags (rating: 3)
Backup stuck at "queued for processing" (rating: 2)
Multi-PM Bookmarklet (rating: 2)
Mass-tagging of pages with Wikidot-API (rating: 2)
Count members (rating: 2)
ListPages - titles like a tagcloud (rating: 2)
Import Ms Word -Text Into Wikidot (rating: 2)
Maintain Transparency in Resized Images (rating: 2)
Historical timeline/it happened on this day (rating: 2)
How To put a StumbleUpon button on your page (rating: 2)
Hide Form Data With Data Form Templates (rating: 2)
Mix and Match CSS Classes (rating: 2)
Ping Wikidot (rating: 2)
Hide forum signatures (rating: 2)
Autonumber headings and paragraphs (rating: 2)
Easier way to Install Wikidot Packages (rating: 2)
Add Matlab code block (rating: 2)
Find Untagged Pages (rating: 2)
Put pictures with footnotes in the text (rating: 2)
it's possible to add sitemap to my sites? (rating: 1)
Listing Un-Parented pages (rating: 1)
Keep hidden tags really hidden in tags area (rating: 1)
ListPages By User (rating: 1)

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