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Posted by gerdami on 06 May 2008 05:41, last edited on 09 May 2010 05:49
This bug has been fixed |
If a foreign url contains a special character such as a single quote, the wikidot parser stops evaluating the source url at the first single quote.
How to Reproduce
[[iframe http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_a_'wiki'
width="99%" height="250"]]
Not browser dependent.
Has bug
Works correctly
Use special characters in the link adress:
instead of the simple quotes ( ' ) use the combination of (% + hex code of quotes )
Other hint:
if you get problems with such special characters you have to specify the url with the %-sign and the (hex!- equivalent of ansi) chacracter-code instead of such special characters.
Example: [*//http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogue_(computer_game) Rogue] will not work because of the "ending" brackets.
test: Rogue
If you detect such unusable characters than you should replace the character ")" with "%29"
(or opening bracket "(" with "%28")
[*http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogue_(computer_game%29 Rogue]
test: Rogue
Positiv: this workaround will work after the bug fix
gerdami. Please visit his/her userPage.
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with all the standards of encoding URIs, we shouldn't use apostrophes nor quotes in them. Percentage sign is just for this reason. You can encode any character with it.
Piotr Gabryjeluk
visit my blog
Sorry Gabrys,
You are thinking as an engineer, not as a end-user !
It's up to the parser to convert the bullshit code into a correct one.
Best regards.
This is fixed.
Only inline links don't allow bracket's now like:
But this is for this reason:
see here (http://www.wikidot.com/)
Piotr Gabryjeluk
visit my blog
Thank you Gabrys,
On behalf of all idiot end-users like me.
I am confused now and think I am an idiot…
I do not understand the differences between the 2 examples…
What is now to use ? The percentage sign is fiine to use, but needs always an ascii-/code -table to know what to insert…
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The ending ")" is not parsed in inline URL like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogue_(computer_game)
But with this syntax
it's ok: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogue_(computer_game)
[url-with-quotes-or-parenthesis DisplayedLink]
… but the space will not work since it is the separator.
Thanks gerdami!
I feel realy as an idiot…. I believe we should write a BIG Glossary about Inline URL#s and their displayed Link connection in such cases…
What do youi mean with the separator ?
I understand this as the neccessarity to insert a %sign + code instead of the adress-url-space (Ascii 20 ?)
Service is my success. My webtips:www.blender.org (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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Sorry, delimiter !
The syntax for an external link is [url text] with a whitespace as a separator between url and text:
Wonderful world of Wikidot
… the first whitespace between .com and Wonderful !
However, I found strange that the delimiter for the syntax for an internal link was
[[[link|text]]] with the vertical bar as the separator.
To come back to the topic, If the | was the delimiter for an external link, the whitespace would be allowed inside a user friendly url.