Tweet Button Snippet now available
eichbehl 30 Nov 2010 14:05
User bcammo has written a snippet with codes to insert a "Tweet" Button on your site - every user with a "twitter-user id"can now with a press of this button "tweet" a short message of your page on twitter -without leaving your site!
At the end of this blog you will see such "tweet" button. If you have a twitter account you need only to press this button and a little edit window opening to tweet a short text ( whatever you want) about this blog entry will give you the chance to tweet it under your user-id.
The counter left side of the button counts how many pwoplw have pressed this button…
Done on the "live _template" of blog: category with
[[include :snippets:tweet-button
This is good thing. Thank you for getting this done :-)
Piotr Gabryjeluk
visit my blog
I have the feelings, many "goodies" of the snippets are for the great part of the users absolut unknown.
What we do not have in the howto's is not found in our tags and glossary overviews.
This would be a very good "cluster" for all the usuable sites ( projects, feedback, CSI…) the community and wikidot team has build.
At the moment we have only the "blog" here and on main site for old or new "news" about such goodies…
The community site works here as manual written "overall index".
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Can I add the tweet snippet in a listpages module for each item in the list?
Else….can I atleast display the number of tweets in the list pages module, same way we can display the number of comments for each item in the listpages.
If you position the "tweet" button on every item in the first 200 characters and than display the first 200 characetrs of every item in the "list-pages" - than - "yes" I think - they are part of the displayed content of the pages…
This should work - if not raise a wish (bug ?)
And they sghoudl display the number of tweets…
You should test this… this is only theoretically spoken ( written)
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I tried doing that. But I have the tweet button on the :_template page of the blog, not on each item's page.
Sory, than I cannot help here…
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Thats fine. I appreciate all the help that you have given till now :)
What we do not have in the howto's is not found in our tags and glossary overviews.
This is true. If I weren't so stubborn, I would have given up a long time ago to look for the way of putting twitter button on my siter. THIS should have been in howtos. Nobody looks for the technical tips in the blog. Nor snippets.
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
That's just not true; although this blog area is not often used, the snippets site has been very successful and visited a huge amount over at least the last 4 or 5 years and is regularly linked to a great deal in our forum answers. And there's a link to it in the Community site menus. I am surprised that you didn't use it as one of your places to search, particularly as you've created your own snippets on the site on the past.
But it does highlight one of the problems of multiple places to search for things - something I warned about when pieterh was so keen on creating a separate site for almost everything imaginable. It's the same problem some of us have with Sharepoint site collections: it's very hard to do a single search across all Wikidot resources.
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.
Well, maybe. But I am a little bit tired of searching through all sites for something that I know that it can be done (because I see it on other Wikidot sites), but I don't know how, and Ï simply cannot find any tip on how to do it. Therefore, it seems that my sites will remain without social buttons.
I forgot about it. I usually look for the tips in Documentation and here in howto pages.
Sorry, Rob, nothing to do with you (on the contrary, you are always really helpful, I owe you so much), but I feel a little bit frustrated and annoyed with having to search through so many sites, and too many places to find what I want. I have spent all the morning with this and didn't achieve anything. I cannot simply always remember all the places where I can search for. And when I find something, it results it doesn't explain everything (things that you CANNOT do, like using AddThis Code with big buttons, but only this small one button that this site has). I was looking for the possiblities I have, and in the end, it results that I can have the button from this site (which I don't like), or I can have this twitter button and facebook social button that don't match at all and cannot be placed one next to the other, or I have to put all the social buttons Wikidot has using the general social module, although I don't need all these buttons (as a matter of fact, I want only share buttons for Facebook, Twitter and Google + and email, but it seems impossible to achieve it), and of course without twitter button, which is different in design and doesn't match with the rest of the buttons. And of course, there's no way to add the buttons floating on the side one under the other using the AddThis service, because I cannot put this code in html and I cannot reach the general code without user name. The whole morning, completely wasted for nothing.
I do appologize, but I am a little bit … you know.
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
But on our "search center" (= you use google search over 7 Wikidot-sites .. this works well !
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That's not Wikidot's fault. It can't always do everything you want in every way you want it. And in this case you were trying to get 3rd party widgets to work with Wikidot and we have absolutely no control over that.
Jusr be thankful you don't have to manage a large corporate intranet site based on Sharepoint which cost $200,000 to install and where you can do so much LESS than you can on Wikidot - I have whole weeks wasted trying to get things to work on Sharepoint where it could be done in 1 hour on Wikidot.
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.
I understand your frustration…that would be a good reason for a simple snippet - only with this 4 main buttons - if possible…
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I have inserted/added on the blog:_template page the facebook button - have a look on the top of this current page!
Now I miss only the mail button - which is a little bit difficult, because we cannot insert the %%link%% variable inside a html code block..
( se also - "Email this page" button
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thank you for this! it will soon appear on my wiki :)
This is very nice. I've been making my own tweet button for my pages to help people tweet them but I wasn't able to integrate tweet counts with that. I'll be utilizing this for sure. Also this doesn't require them to leave the site..even better. Thanks a lot!
… now we also need the same for Facebook, please !
— Or is that existing already ?
Then we have to put it into the INDEX, where people can FIND it ….
Hahaha, I have looked straight past it … the Facebook Icon is right next to the Twitter Icon !
there is the "social" button command in wikidot syntax- see also "Social facebook button" on the snippets
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I had a look on the blog.wikidot/blog:_template page and can insert here the used code for the facebook, twitter and google+ buttons:
You see - the facebook button html code needs the app_id=…. number from your facebook site.
Twitter and google+ are working alone with this code..
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THANK YOU, Helmut !!
I have on my website the standard Wikidot icons for Social Networks.
- However it seems that most people don't see (or use) them there !
Hi,Helmuti. Thank you for trying to help. I do appreciate it.
I put your code to a separate page here
But, I am not sure if I have to change something because these buttons don't work. The facebook is missing, and if you click to Twitter button instead of a link of a page one wants to twit, the code appears: %%title%% via @wikidot. I guess that instead of this %%title%%, there should be a name of a page, and I am not sure this what does this @via wikidot stand for… And Google button also has some wierd behavior…
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
For the tweet buttons I have running on a couple of sites I create a number of include pages as follows:
1) inc:tweet-button-backend:
2) inc:tweet-button
3) inc:tweet
I then include it in the live template pages across the site with [[include inc:tweet]]. The text that it puts in the tweet looks like this:
It has worked well for a couple of years. You can see and try the button in action here
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.
Thanks, Rob. I want to have a single include for Tweeter, Facebook and Google+, so I used the Helmuti's code but changed div for table, and I obtained a new Facebook code that works.
I also inserted in it your Twitter code, and I changed the variables for the parameters, as in your include, but I still get %%title%% via @SJA in the tweet box instead of a link of a page…
As far as the Google+ is concerned, I am still not sure if it works or not…
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
Facbook code doesn't work either. It is not possible to put Wikidot code %%link%%, it has to be real url.
I think this is too much for me. Thank you very much to all of you for your support but I have to give up. I simply cannot go on, I am too frustrated. This is too hard for me and too much wasted time. No socials on my web pages, after all.
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
Of course - such a variable is only working in a _live _template!
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