New Phrases Waiting For Translation Since June 2022
Helmut_pdorf 17 Feb 2023 10:20
Hi to all translators!
There are new Wikidot - phrases waiting for translation in since June and December 2022!
Changed letters are: p
Please - even the stats say 100% this is not computed exact at the full numbers…
Can translators go to their language summary page and have a look?
For all newcomers: all the menues and phrases in Wikidot are translated in different languages by volunteers and many languages have their own language driven to 100 % translated.
This are the languages-Codes you can select by the creation of a wiki.
Kind regards
Hi to all translators!
There are new Wikidot - phrases waiting for translation in since June and December 2022!
Changed letters are: p
Please - even the stats say 100% this is not computed exact at the full numbers…
Can translators go to their language summary page and have a look?
For all newcomers: all the menues and phrases in Wikidot are translated in different languages by volunteers and many languages have their own language driven to 100 % translated.
This are the languages-Codes you can select by the creation of a wiki.
Kind regards
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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