leigerleiger 14 Oct 2009 01:03

Over on the Wikidot Projects forums, pieterhpieterh has announced the implementation of a new Join module.

The official documentation for this module can be found here: http://www.wikidot.com/doc:join-module

And, while you're at it, why not try out this new module? :) If you are a member of this site, you will first have to log out before you see it.

[!-- The code for the button that appears above this is as follows --]

[[module Join button="Join this site"]]

MembershipByPassword and MembershipApply

These modules are now deprecated by the Join module. That means that you should go to your wiki or Wikidot website, and delete those modules. Put [[module Join button="Join this site!"]] on the page instead! :)

Advanced use - modify the button using CSS!

If you would like to add your own custom look to the button, you can define a class for it and instead, it will just be rendered as a normal link (as you can see below this paragraph when you log out of your account). That means that you can custom-style it using CSS to look however you want it to!

[!-- The code for the button that appears above this is as follows --]

[[module Join button="Join this site" class="join_button"]]
Unfortunately, this module does not work in-line, so you can't do something like this:
Why don't you join this site? :)

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