Helmut_pdorf 14 Feb 2009 18:15
I created a new Front Page for the community called "home:home1" page using a "live" _template with 10 "content" holders and some standard includes with layout def's and in a second level includes with header and content of the single blocks.
I got the idea from Phil Chett's blog about his thinking over a better "block" or "module" system for a "Front" page.
Please - have a look on the codes of our new "front" page and it's used home:_template !
Notice: I have inserted a blank before every include tag to stop the insertion of their content ! :)
in Action the Template:
I changed the permissions in the Site manager for the "home:" category only allowed to edit for admins.
I let the include: boxes editable for all members of the site…
To-Do: the re-parenting of all sub pages ( childs) from the old start page.
( I had not changed the old start page - we can always go back in the general settings.)
I put a redirect on the old start page, to the site's base url (so whatever the home page may be, it will redirect there).
This was all done to make the code more readable, more advanced yet more simple. I don't see how this:
is more simple than this:
I know it's necessary for the mod_layout2 page (which was very clever of you, by the way =D), but things can be kept simpler without having a mod_layout1 page.
If you change your mind and remove mod_layout1, why not rename mod_layout2 to just mod_layout ?
Also, there is a big problem with pages parented to the old start page. Here is what I suggest: a Site Administrator copies the source code of the home:home1 page and replaces the source code of the start page with it, but then DELETES the home:home1 page. Then rename the start page to home:home1 (REMEMBER to click "+ Show dependencies" and then "select all" to automatically change the source code of all linking pages accordingly). That way you have automatically solved all internal linking problems, and all parented page problems. Then you should recreate the start page with a redirect to the new home page, to solve all problems with external links.
What do you think?
Site-map: Parenting is moved to new front page!
It ws easy - I went to teh Site-map and had a look on 7-8 pages as childs only..
Than it was easy to change these single pages to the new one.
The Site map is OK now.
I change the redirect back to standard edit - because of easier edit in the future… :=)
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1. That was my first question this morning - is it really necessary to use for ONE page a _template?
Or is it better to have a proposal-layout with the "default" template content.
I think, my idea was to show in a howto:livetempates work our home page…..
2. Why "mod_layout1" - if there is no layout this extra level if include makes no sense.
Reason1: if there will be a new layout for the first 2 blocks at the top of the front page - it is clear where this is to be done.
Reason2: it is always better to have ONE structure for calls ( includes) with the same variable structures as to split in two kind of includes… even this is "over-done"…
But this is only my opinion.
"To-Do" now is to write the missed howto:"Using LIVE Templates" ….
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I have done it at howto:apply your first live template to your pages
gerdami - Visit Handbook en Français - Rate this howto:import-simple-excel-tables-into-wikidot up!
Thanks Gerdami!
This is exact what i have seen to be missed till today.
Well done!
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