Helmut_pdorf 19 Aug 2019 13:03
There are lots of forum posts on the community about this question and others with the same sense behind..
( Is this engine and its community still alive? )
Here are some of the forum posts of this threadcopied for a blog entry:
Is wikidot still worth a shot in 2019?
( userNorman Seversky )
Hi everyone. Not that far away i was looking for a wiki tool to create and manage a small portal for our small game-addicted community. Inspired by neat and concise darksouls.wikidot.com, i ended up with wikidots. Unfortunately almost whole subdomains including wikidot.com itself take ages to respond. For this reason It's hard to edit pages, check and observe them. It's not my local problem as i experiencing the same from working machine and even my smartphone. I also somewhat concerned that developers blog is outdated (the last message is almost a year old) and i'm not sure if the community still alive and the whole project is still getting supported.
Could you guys please provide me with some insight of actual situation around wikidot. Is it worth starting a wiki here right now or it's better to look for another tool and wikidot best days are gone?
Thanks in advance.
Re: Is wikidot still worth a shot in 2019?
(ed-johnson does not match any existing user name )
I wish I could answer this question. I have been a member of Wikidot for almost 12 years now Although Wikidot was good enough to make me a "community admin" (I have some extra super-powers that help keep the spammers at bay), I have been pretty disgruntled the several years since the developer(s) have essentially disappeared and abandoned their user base. I still monitor things around here and offer some support but I have a hard time recommending Wikidot to anyone looking to start something new.This was a great platform back in its heyday and had a ton of potential. The active core of community users are gone and only a few of us stragglers are still hanging around.
If you can put up with limited support that only comes from the community and zero chance of feature improvements or bug fixes, then go for it. Personally, I've opted for cheap hosting and Wordpress for a few sites I goof around with these days.
Re: Is wikidot still worth a shot in 2019?
(Stooge )
No.I hate to say that. I've been here for years. My sites were some of (if not the) heaviest number of web hits here. I love the place, and it was great before, but the developers / owners have basically just walked away and abandoned it. Though, they certainly have no problem processing payments for services that are not rendered.
So, no. Seek something elsewhere.
Re: Is wikidot still worth a shot in 2019?**
( userrsrdaman )
Wikidot has always been a great starting grounds for people due to it's ease of use relative to other wiki styles, however like Ed said, there's been problems with the site itself. Search functions broke on a wiki I edit for ages and recently seem to be working alright now. I've been getting a lot of "The ajax request failed. code 500" errors recently when editing. The owners really have let the site go and it's a real shame. Hopefully they'll kick it back into gear at some point.
Re: Is wikidot still worth a shot in 2019?**
( usercold_blood3d )
This is a difficult question. In many ways we are lucky that Wikidot didn't become (or get acquired by) a web giant. Far too many promising services went that route only to be shut down, have their functionality severely diminished, and end up as yet another black hole of dead links. If I used any other provider back in 2008, my sites would surely be long gone by now. Remember "Wetpaint" wiki-farm? It's now a celebrity gossip site. Wikidot has been running relatively reliably for 13 years and not destroyed itself or its users, which is something to be commended. Wikidot is underpinned by impressive technology. That said, in recent years it has fallen behind in terms of innovation and support, which has been deeply frustrating. It needs a push to be truly great. So many things would be possible "if only" some little feature worked or wasn't broken. It also hasn't kept up with the user-friendly interfaces that have become the norm. The choice really depends on your particular use-case and what you are trying to build.
Re: Is wikidot still worth a shot in 2019?**
( userkawina )
I completely agree with @cold_blood3d. In my case, I'm thankful for Wikidot's stability and reliability, compared to services I've used in the past. For my needs, Wikidot has been doing just fine (except for the problems we had with search, contact forms, and notifications, which were solved after a while). I really hope the maintenance team will become more responsive. They've created a great service and fostered a wonderful community, and it would be a pity if all that went to waste. By the way, my site is a digital library and academic hub. My needs may not be as sophisticated of heavy duty, so it all depends on what you expect to accomplish.
Re: Is wikidot still worth a shot in 2019?**
( userHelmut_pdorf )
Till today I have not found a better place for "simple" wikis … it is so easy to maintain a wiki - for "minecraft" stories (images, videos a.s.o), or sport-club log book.. private family-notes and logs.
I had a look on some other platforms and it is not so easy to get the same (web-browser only needed) solutions!
Feel free to comment here or on the thread in the forum:
I have been on wikidot for only a day, well I have for a long time just no account and there are so many amazing tools for the website you should use it.
Thank you for taking your time reading this.
Your Regards,
Dr. Brady
hmm…Did you join the first day?
/* KC's Notebook */
please - remove your e m a i l - a d d r e s s out of your signature!
Service is my success. My webtips:www.blender.org (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
Sie können fragen und mitwirken in der deutschsprachigen » User-Gemeinschaft für WikidotNutzer oder
im deutschen » Wikidot Handbuch ?
If you want to get emails from visitors than you should use a contact form, where any note/text is sent to the admins of a site..
Your email address is only visible for wikidot team itself, but not for others!
Service is my success. My webtips:www.blender.org (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
Sie können fragen und mitwirken in der deutschsprachigen » User-Gemeinschaft für WikidotNutzer oder
im deutschen » Wikidot Handbuch ?
I created a Wikidot 101 tutorial series a while ago (see it here on YouTube), and I was going to try recording a few more videos, as I noticed they are pretty popular so people are still using Wikidot - even now.
However, one unfortunate thing I've noticed over the past few years is that there are some critical bugs the Wikidot team still hasn't fixed.
Problem 1: I routinely hear about issues with people trying to register and not getting the confirmation email. I actually reproduced this on my first attempt just today, while trying to create a new account.
Problem 2: There are also now issues with advertising, as Google requires an ads.txt file at the root of the Wikidot domain with unique information about the user, which means that no-one except Wikidot is currently able to use Google ads.
I strongly feel that even as it is, Wikidot is still a powerful platform that can be very useful for people today… if they are able to register an account in the first place. The biggest issue with Wikidot is the existence of these critical issues that prevent people from even signing up, or earning revenue from their Pro sites. If the Wikidot team were to commit just a small amount of time to fix these issues, and maintain existing functionality, it would make Wikidot something I'd happily recommend. I'm not even going to bother requesting new features at this point, just solving critical bugs would be awesome.
I remember the great days here at Wikidot, when the community was buzzing with new user-created snippets, cross-site includes and themes. Since then, we've been given the ability to use Bootstrap CSS and control the underlying layout/structure of pages, which is one of the bigger and most useful feature improvements the platform has ever received. It actually gives us a significant level of control that was not previously possible.
I don't expect we'll go back to that level of community "buzz", but I also don't think that Wikidot is a complete lost cause. There's plenty of potential with the foundation that has already been built.
My concern is that I can see all of that potential going to waste.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
I always feel like wikidot needs to keep up with the times. Eg. Making an app, which would be so much easier to receive notifications. By doing this, wikidot could probably reach out to a younger more tech savvy audience who aren't familiar with wikidot to begin with.
I love wikidot and will keep using it for as long as I can. But every year i get more and more nervous. Will all my work suddenly disappear? Why has the owner removed every ability to contact him except for his personal cell number that maybe one person has out there somewhere? Why is he hiding? What is he hiding?
He needs to come here and he needs to be honest. He needs to open up communication channels again and instill confidence in his users. He needs to stop running away and be responsible. If he doesn't want wikidot anymore he needs to be open about that and he needs to hand it off to someone who does. There are so many bugs and broken things, and things that need to be added to make us competitive. I'm tired of hitting brick walls with bugs. I'm tired of the spam accounts that could be so easily diminished with an update.
If you are reading this, stop running. Stop being so afraid. We are annoyed. We are frustrated. But we love wikidot. And at the very least, you owe your paying customers a post about what the future has for it. Dont let wikidot be a dead platform. Is this what you want it to be? Is this something to be proud of? It's choking, dont let it die.
Do not hide behind your black friday sale post. Come here and say something. I am sure people will forgive you. But they cant do that until you show up and tell us the truth.
Omnia mutantur, nihil interit.
We've been working hard for a year to port our 30000 page site to mediawiki, always expecting Wikidot to suddenly stop. Its not just a matter of syntax, its hunting down extensions to provide equivalent functionality, and take advantage of mediawiki's new features. We are nearly there, and it will be a relief to escape.
The complete absence of any official presence is a very bad, and the unacknowledged problems with search in the summer was a turnoff. It seems only user Helmut is nobly holding the fort.
So I'd urge people to look elsewhere.
Sites like SCP and wanderer's library is still very important also this is a great free wiki
I think so
It appears we are abandoned and wikidot is broken.
Don't waste your time or money
"Till today I have not found a better place for "simple" wikis".
Do not let your wiki here without saving it somewhere else.
There are very good alternative for free wikis.
Shoutwiki and Miraheze, they are free, but if you can support them, do it, they worth it.