html within wikidot type 1
Phil Chett 09 Aug 2008 22:33
For a little while there has been the ability to upload and display html pages within wikidot page.
File upload and display.
Upload a html file to your page, then i frame it.
eg i have a file uploaded to this page called task1nats.html
i then iframe it here.
frameborder="1" scrolling="yes" width="400" height="200"]]
because you can also upload js classes you can of course include Java script
here i have uploaded lake.class.
the html doc for it
and the image.
Iframe the html doc to give
it is important to note
- That when testing to ensure that all is working ok the you have to clean out you browser cache.
- The files you upload are recognised correctly. eg.. if you upload a html file it is recognised as such in the file manager.
Good idea to demonstrate the new possibilities!
One question - why do you not insert the /Lake.html from your test site ? it is small, very wonderful and works as aspected?
The inserted llake3.html does not work on my PC ( IE7 and FF 2 on "Xp"), the lake2.html does not work too- means it works , but looks bad…
EDIT: I am not sure, but the frame rate of the bigger pictures is too great for my PC… the bigger the image is the lower (and more bad) is the result…
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i think this issue is caused when you scroll the page up and down.
the picture seems to overlap itself .
Have changed it to a smaller image as it does seem to be better.