Happy New Year 2023 !
Helmut_pdorf 01 Jan 2023 15:34
For all Wikidot users :
After an annus horribile ( quote from the english Queen Elisabeth II.) we can only hope that the world will recover from the great number of difficulties in the last year for all people.
Lets close the door behind the old year and open a new one for the coming year with the hope that we have learned a lot to overlive all the problems falling down from heaven.
Wishes You a blessed and joyful New Year 2023!
Take care of yourself and your loved ones!
Happy New Year!
Hopefully all of you will accomplish your new year resolutions. May you and your families stay well :)
CEO of Icon Deposit
Take a look at me via Twitter, Dribbble, and Google +
Happy new year everyone! Let's hope 2023 is better and not worse and I wish the best of luck for Wikidot and the cool community on the sites.
Website - Stories, coding, health and etc.
Linktree - Contact, information and etc.
Wish 2023 a better year!
Happy New Year to all and thank you Helmut for all your work here! ;)
Best wishes :D
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
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I wish Wikidot a better development and you and your family a happy life in 2023
Praise Helmut and other wikidot staff
Happy New Year!
"The wheel of time keeps spinning, and our time passes by minute by minute"