GoVegan 04 Mar 2009 10:36
The Wikidot Community, in my opinion, is messy.
That is, there are pages which are old, or out-dated, pages that are in the wrong spots, pages lacking the new automated functions, and pages that are simply inconsistent with the layout.
This is mainly due to new features being introduced after these pages have been created. Take live templates, ListPages and the iftags modules for instance.
Today I decided to start sweeping away the community junk, and start re-organising, re-ordering and effectively giving the community it's first "spring cleaning", if you may.
Where did I start this? In the Bugs section.
The Bugs portal of the community site was using "Page-Rating" modules to display different pages from different categories. Namely, the fixed bugs were in the "fixed" category and the workarounds were in the "wround" category. With the advent of the ListPages module, we can sort these with tags in the same Bugs category. So I've given these pages the temporary tags "fixed" and "wround".
On each of these pages was code for things like PageRating, Comments, and the Bugs Infobox. This is tedious, and should be within a Live Template of the Bugs category. So I did that, and removed such code from each of the 27 pages.
Also, like the bug-tracker on Pro, I thought it best to give each bug it's own page-number to identify which bug-number it is. This helps us to better understand how many bugs have been reported. Also, should the coincidence happen that somebody names a new bug the same as an old one, no error will display.
Next project: the Wishlist… Only 49 wishes to reorganise!
And I inserted in all pages ( i think so) the tag _fixed or _wround.
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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Oh wow! You are brilliant! Thanks!
I just went through the pages and removed the remaining "fixed" and "wround" tags. I also removed the "bug" tags because I think that's already obvious (being in the "bugs" category). Removing the latter tag resulted in a better tag-cloud too.
Oh you're right about the wishlist… That saves a lot of time ;D I reckon autonumbering would suit that too, so I'll start on that.
Thanks again!
Thanks James, for the work!
I changed the "wishlist" to only one category - some time ago with a "live" _template - but not to autonumber….
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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And we created the first error with the NOT-renamed iframed html codes…
Now I will check all bugs:#### pages on iframes or images with the wrong ( old) src
EDIT: Done.
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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Hi James,
Welcome to the TrueBlood young blood.
I highlighted the bugs: problem one year ago
(see indeed my suggestion was implemented with ListPages…).
I agree that the Community website became a little bit messy, but that's the normal life of community driven wiki.
The HowTo section should be reshuffled as well. But that does not necessarily mean that old solutions must go to the bin. Example: my howto:create-a-blog should go out of the HowTo section to Archived: category, just because it still contains interesting stuff about the include technique.
I would like to remind that there is also a To Do page for discussion on what to do in this community website.
Hehe, thanks for the welcome! I was pleasantly surprised, and will uphold the new responsibilities.
Yeah, it is the normal life of a community driven wiki… we need to regularly perform these so-called "spring-cleanouts" to maintain a well-organised community. Perhaps every spring? =D
Funny you say that. The HowTo section was actually the root of my action, but it seems such a huge job I thought I'd start with the smaller ones, you know? Plus there are numerous ways we can organise the HowTo section… it's something that should be discussed with the community as a whole rather than one person's sole decision. For example, we could give HowTos tags on their category (i.e. _forums _content _admin) rather than parenting them to pages in the howtotopics category. We could manually choose and arrange the "recommended" HowTos at the top, and automatic lists beneath the recommendations.
As with the To-Do page, I didn't know about it! Thanks for telling me.